Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stephen, an Ole??

On Thursday, I took John to his appointments and Nana Jana took Stephen to see his Godmother Alana at college.  Jana picked little Stevie Joe up in Woodbury and off they drove in the fog to St. Olaf for lunch. 
Stephen is so lucky to get to have lunch with Nana Jana and his Godmother, Alana. 

I called Jana at about 1pm to check in and see how he was doing.  She said they were at a McDonald's parking lot, SJ was hungry.  And, no he wasn't eating McDonald's! ;D  Just baby food!

(After John's appointments we went to the gym.  John played in the child care center-- he loves it there!  But, today when I went to pick him up he was getting in trouble.  I asked why and I was told, John has been repeatedly taking the other children's toys and when we ask him to give them back he has been putting the toy behind his back looking us in the eyes and saying "HI!!" and then walking away. OY VEY.)  I tried to look past this mischief (after of course scolding him) and we went to the cafe at LT for a snack.  Everyday John tries to grab a bag of chips and make a run for it.  We have never stopped in there to eat, ever. But, I thought it would be fun since it was just John and I.  John snacked on his sun chips and water while I brushed crumbs into a pile -- damage control.) 
When I picked up SJ that afternoon I asked how everything went, and I was told, he had a major blowout!
Oh Stephen! That just simply isn't polite, you will not get asked on lunch dates if you poop on them!! haha  Thanks Auntie Alana and Nana Jana for taking Stephen on his first college visit!!


Maggie Lais

I always said, 'never poop on your aunts, or your grammas, nor for sure your Godmother!' and the moral is, Stephen, you'll never live That one down! ;) Love you, your whole family, that is!

Aunt Maggie