Monday, November 7, 2011


I am way behind on my blog.  It all started with being over my head in life.  With 2 little ones, my husband working full time, going to Carlson full time, running 2 leadership groups, sitting as a member on another board, selling our house, moving etc.... I had no idea where to start with this blog. 
BUT, these next few months ahead are nothing but bliss.  We SOLD our house, we MOVED into my in-laws basement, Ryan is taking next semester OFF, and we get to simply ENJOY this winter/spring.  I can't put into words how good it feels to not be waiting for the phone to ring, hoping a realtor wants to show our house, to not be constantly after the kids to not mess anything up, to get to just 'hang out' as a family. 
We have done more family events in the last 2 weeks then we have in the last year.  I LOVE IT! 
We have been to multiple parks, played in the backyard- looking for bugs, playing tee-ball, swinging on the swings, baked muffins as a family, built castles out of blocks, taught John how to cut with a scissors, taken Stephen on a drive to look at fall leaves through Afton, went to Rochester AND Northfeild to visit siblings, went to story time at the library, visited the MN Zoo.... I could go on all day. 
Having this ample family time is the BEST thing ever.  THIS is what we imagined life to be like.
Happy Monday everyone!!  We are off to a play date today, tomorrow to the library... I have a HH on Wednesday with some girlfriends, life couldn't be better.  :)  I love my family and am cherishing EVERY moment spent together.  <3