Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

It is my mom's birthday tomorrow, March 5th...  I am so thankful for her!!!

Dear Mom,

First things first, Happy Birthday!  I hope since your special day falls on the weekend, you will be able to rest, relax and celebrate! I also want to take this opportunity to to let you know how thankful I am for all you have done for me and my family. I know you are someone who doesn't wait by the mailbox everyday for thank you cards, but I wish I would have sent you more in the past 25 (!!) years-  You deserve them; many many of them. 

I can't begin to list all of the things I would like to thank you for in one note, but I will try and capture as many thoughts as I can.  I want to recognize that you have sacrificed so many things, events and experiences just for me.  Growing up you were always doing what ever I needed, and never what you needed.  Every time I needed (ok, wanted...) a ride, new clothes, an appointment scheduled, or help with my homework you were just waiting for me to ask; and sometimes I didn't even have to ask!  You were 100% available to me; a gift not all kids can say about their parents.

You are the most driven person I have ever met.  I could never hold a candle to the life you live.  You had 5 children within 5 years- yikes!  I have my hands full with the 2 I have.  You work full time and keep a perfectly clean house with everything always kept up.  I am so impressed that when ever I call you at work asking when you will be going home, you tell me "not until my work is done" - wow!  HealthEast is lucky to have you as a nurse.  I can't believe you work 12 hour days and don't even blink an eye at it. 

When I was a kid, you always made sure I always had everything I needed-  that has never gone overlooked.  I have always been very grateful for having you as my mom.  When I was in high school and dealing with a lot of medical junk you were always there for me, always.  I could always count on you to listen to me, make appointments for me, take me to them and help me through them.  This is something I will never forget.  I know that was a huge burden on our family-  I can't imagine the medical bills I racked up, and the trouble you went through to get off days, even weeks of work to be with me.  I felt like I always had your support and love.  It was a scary time in my life, a time I would never wish to re-live.  During the appointments, I wouldn't have been able to be as strong as I was, without you... telling me I had to be! haha But, all of the time and energy you put into my health has sure paid off.... 2 fold! ;) 

The day I found out we were pregnant with John, one of the first thoughts through my mind was now I can be her friend!!! Growing up, you always told me, I am not your friend, I am your mom.  When I became a mom, I felt a sense of "graduation" I could finally be your friend!  I do understand why you would say that, but I also am thankful for our friendship now.  You are the best mom, I look up to you more then you could imagine. Many times when I am having a difficult parenting moment, I think what would you do, mom? I guess, wisdom must come with age!  ;) 

I hope you don't actually go over to the apartment today and clean!!  Please, enjoy your day-  You have earned it!!!  Take a break, do it for me!  :)

I love you, mom! 

Dad, This One is For You!! :D

Go to this link and watch a short video about a new show coming... Americas Next Great Restaurant.
THEN, you get a buy one get one free from Chipotle!!!/americasnextgreatrestaurant

I sure love Chipotle-  John loves Chipotle-  and Ryan loves Chipotle!  So, chances are... You love Chipotle!!! :D  ENJOY

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Lil' Bit Bigger!

John's "little" word explosion has gotten bigger!!!!!   This is THRILLING!!! :D

Ok, I must document all of his current words!
  1.  Mom (I have to put this first! ;D)
  2.  Dad
  3. Baby (& Beef.... Mom, I know you are dieing right now! But truth is truth- we will all laugh about this someday. Promise.)  :)
  4. Me
  5. Nana/Nanny
  6. Bompa (Grandpa Steve)
  7. Papa
  8. Waty (water)
  9. Ahhh (the refreshing sound... means he wants something to drink)
  10. Num-Num
  11. Wally (waffle)
  12. Bean
  13. More
  14. Peas (please)
  15. HI
  16. Bye-Bye
  17. Broke
  18. Work
  19. Money
  20. Book
  21. Rock
  22. Morning (MO-nin)
  23. Zipper (Zip-AH)
  24. Zoo
  25. Zap
  26. Turtle
  27. Moo
  28. Zebra
  29. Elmo
  30. Ernie
  31. Tootsie
  32. NO
  33. Yea
  34. Up
  35. Apple
  36. Ice
  37. Shoe  (Ok, this may be a stretch, but he TRIES to say this!)  :)
  38. Pee
  39. Poop (Yes, he is a 2 years old boy! What do you expect!)  haha
  40. Yuck
  41. Stair (staircase)
  42. Big-A  (Big)
  43. Woof
** He is really started to try saying many, many words!  He will repeat sounds we make.  The more we encourage him and get excited when he is trying to repeat a word- the more vocal he is!  I can see this taking off!
I will date this and add his words as he says them.  For now, these are the words he uses daily, and in conversation. 

Some of the words he is putting together... Just Today!!! EEEk! This is so exciting! (PROUD MOMENT)

  1. Hi/Bye Mom/Dad/Nanny/Beef
  2. Morning Baby/Beef
  3. More Waty/Waffle
  4. Money Book (When we ask him where his daddy is, he says VVVERRR (like a truck sound) then we ask where he went in the truck, he says, work.  Then we ask what does daddy do at work, money book)  I am impressed with this!
  5. More book

March 4th 2011

Today at speech, John said:
44. This
45. Ms. Molly
46. Doggie
47. Potty
48. Cookie
49. Go
50. Meow

** Sounds we are working on:
"NNN"  for example, on.   Ms. Molly tells him to make the "nose sound"
"PPPP"  for example, help. 
** Words we worked on today:

A really great day!!

(For future laughs.... I am sitting in the garage while both boys are in their car seats snoring away! haha  I'm sooo glad I get Internet out here!)

March 6th 2011

51. Happy
52. Wall

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stephen and John at the ENT

I took Stephen to the ENT today. 
Jana came over and watched John, Thank you!!!  John napped and then they played outside- even built a snowman in the front yard! SO cute!!  I do need to get a picture of John with Mr. Snowman.  =)

Appointment re-cap:

Weight: 20lbs 4oz.
I took him to Dr. Malone and I really liked her! 
First they did a hearing test.  He failed it.  But, she wasn't surprised or concerned.  She said a few things...
1. He is young, and it is hard to get a 100% accurate result at his age.
2. He has fluid is his ears, so he probably can't hear, right now.
3. He has a double ear infection and a lot of wax build up.
I am not concerned about the hearing test. But, we will re-test him in a few months.

The ear exam:
Double ear infection, both ear drums very dull, no fever today, enlarged adenoids heavy breathing, (clear) nose drainage.

The plan:
Schedule surgery!
1. Remove adenoids
2. Put tubes in his ears.
3. Do a bronchial exam the day of surgery (before the actual surgery) to figure out why he has had pneumonia multiple times this winter.
4 re-test his hearing.

Dr. Malone said that this will hopefully resolve all (or at least most) his symptoms. 

Then, next week on Tuesday I am taking John to see Dr. Malone... she said if he is as sick as his records show I should plan on the same as above plus his tonsils out too. 
I am ONE with all the metro doctors.

** I took John to his appointment at the ENT on Thursday March 11, 2011(so my mom could watch Stephen- thank you mom!)
Dr. Malone said that John needs his adenoids out- ASAP!  She said that the are huge and it will help with his drooling and probably his speech too. (But mostly, his frequent fevers, swollen glands, runny nose, and heavy breathing)  I asked her if she would take his tonsils out too, as long as she was doing surgery... umm... NO. That question did not go over well at all!  She said that it would be "totally inappropriate" to take them out.  And, it was not up for discussion.  OK, I was just asking!  haha She went on to say, "that is why I am an ENT and you aren't!" Yikes!!  the best part is, I just asked one time... I am guessing she had been challenged by her last patient?? 
She also did a hearing test, John was not interested!  So, they did the newborn hearing test  that went much better!  John just had to sit there and be quiet.  It was over in less then a minute, and he passed! :)

Now, I just have to schedule their surgeries-  We are thinking May 20th....  But nothing is in stone.

Monday, February 28, 2011


As our cousin Jackie once said! =)   (inside joke, but one I love!!)

Well, our door handle stoppers lasted Friday night, Saturday, Sunday and until about 7pm on Monday night.  3 solid days! haha
Tonight, Ryan was in the office studying and doing his homework after dinner.  I was finishing cleaning up the dishes from dinner and John hiked up the stairs looking for Ryan.  He knocked on the office door, no answer.  He then proceeded to break the handle cover right off, opened the door and smiled at Ryan saying, "HI DAD!!"
Oh John, you never fail to amaze me.  It gave Ryan and I a laugh thinking about Jackie and her door handle covers .... 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Weekend!

Last night we met our friend Luke and his beautiful baby girl Sienna at Shamrocks for some burgers and fries.  After a long wait, we got seated.  The kids (John) tore the table apart and we waited for our chow.
By coincidence, my parents were at my mom's work party there too!  All of her co-workers were there celebrating their "holiday party".  John went and sat with them for a little bit.
After we ate, caught up with Luke it was time to go!  On the way home, Ryan and I decided we needed to go to Target and get door handle covers.  On Friday, John figured out how to open doors- ugh!  So we made a quick stop at Target and then home to bed. 

John and Stephen were up bright and early so by 8am we were all dressed, fed and roaming the house looking for something to do.  We decided to head to the MN Zoo.  We were there right when it opened- 9am.  We were the 3rd car in the lot-- it was DEAD!  I have decided, that is the best, best, best time for the zoo! :)   

John LOVED  the alligators! 

His big blue eyes!! :)  SJ was very mellow the whole time, he did a lot of people watching!

John was peaking at us!


John has had a (little) word explosion!!

He has found the fun sound, ZZZZ.  Actually, he is starting to put 2 words together!!  Yahoo!  It has been a long time coming, I am so thrilled!
His new words:

And, today when Ryan came down the steps, John walked around the corner and said, HI DAD!  (AHHH!!)  :D
If you ask him what his name is he will say, ME!  (We are working on John.)

Here are a few (cute!!) pictures of John "hiding" in the cabinet after he stole a piece of cheese from the fridge!! (All by himself.)
I was changing SJ and when I finished, I went to look for John who I found had climbed the gate into the kitchen, opened the fridge and helped himself to some cheese.  Oy vey!

I came around the corner.. and this is what I saw!  LoL- John, I just CAN'T keep up with you! :)