WOW! A 'mom-friend' of mine, Jodi tagged me in a blogging game! :) I am a newer blogger, and I love that I have so many friends that blog- this will be a "different" post, and a fun one! :) Thanks Jodi!!
The rules are: Post a picture of yourself, tell us 11 things we might not know about you, answer the 11 questions asked of you, then write 11 new questions and tag some friends to play along (let them know you tagged them!)
Ok, I am failing before I start... I don't have my computer (with all of my pictures on it) right now... the screen broke, thank goodness we bought the protection plan, but as for now I am picture-less....
11 things you might not know:
1). As "un-sporty" as I am, I have always wished I was a "sporty" person! I am sure there are many jaws on the ground right now. haha! Hopefully these little boys will bring out the sporty-ness in me ... and I can learn with them how to play sports as they do. Tee-ball here we come! ;)
2). My first real job was at the DQ on Snelling Ave. Truth be told, I sometimes miss those days... I had so much fun there. Oh those red DQ polo’s, they were the best!
3). My biggest hero? Surely my husband, Ryan. He is my biggest rock, keeps me grounded, and plays life by the rules- always! :) (Ok, so this is not "something people don't know..." but it in an important thing)
4). I miss the days when my mom did all of my laundry, folded it and put it away. I am still not a laundry person, I like to wash and dry our clothes, but when it comes to folding and putting it away, Oy, it's bad news. At night I catch myself thinking about if I could hire someone to do one thing for me the rest of my life, it would be doing all of the laundry. Nothing is better than fresh, folded (and ironed) clothes!
5). I get motion sickness very easily! Flying? Ask Jana... when she took John and I to AZ when John was a year old, I was oh. so. sick. on the plane, the "little baggies" couldn't come fast enough. And, for that matter, why are they so small?!
Jana and Steve have a swing-set at their house with a glider on it. The boys love the glider, when I have to just watch then swing, my stomach turns. Eewww, not for me.
6). I thought breastfeeding would be an easy thing... before I ever did it. I actually think nursing JR until he was 9months (and pumping for him until he was 13months) and nursing SJ until he was 14 months was a huge accomplishment for me. I am so glad I did it even though there were many long, hard, (very) painful days and nights.
7). I am not a fan of lake swimming. I have never been and I never will be. I have a million reasons why I don't like it, but I won't get into them. :) However, I love spending time at lakes! :D haha Bonfires, watermelon, sunscreen, late nights, grilled food, boat rides, and... bug spray!
8). My favorite song is a song that my sister-in-law, Lauren wrote for Ryan and I. It is called Snow. She wrote the song, made music to go with it and had it sung and recorded! It is such a beautiful song. (Lauren, is there a way to put a link to the song on this blog??)
9). I bought my first car (all by myself!) when I was 19. I worked my booty off in high school at the DQ and nanning. I am still proud that I did that alone- I bought the manager of the dealership's car! I looked at cars for about a week, and once I decided on a make/model, I told the man helping me that I wanted to know which car was driven by his boss?! He thought I was nuts, BUT- IMO, which car on that lot do you think was cared for the best?! Clearly the managers!! That day I drove away with my new Chrysler Pacifica- limited edition, 5K miles on it. :) It was kind of sad to return my 1994 green Honda Accord to my dad that night...
10). When I am crabby or in a bad mood, I just need to go to bed. Really, it's usually because I am tired. Being tired gets to me and if I can sleep, I wake up a new person! :)
11). I don't consider myself a Coke-a-cola addict any more! :) I thought breaking that habit I picked up with pregnant with John would be much harder to break. But, it wasn't! :)
Now onto Jodi's questions...
1. What super power would you like to have?
I would like to be able to fly. It would be so much faster to get places and I am not a fan of driving-- I drive a ton! Flying sounds fun! :)
2. If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?
I would like to be a CEO somewhere! Really! I am getting good training right now... I am CEO of the Patrick family! LOL- kidding! I would like to run a small business someday- maybe a daycare, a pre-school, a nanny service or something like that. (I really just like being in-charge! haha)
3. How many kids do you want to have? Why?
3. How many kids do you want to have? Why?
Oooh, this is a tough one! I am going to say that we are taking it one baby at a time, and that we aren't sure yet. However, we are very open to adoption! I can never say never to more kids... :)
4. Where is a place you would like to travel?
One place?! I have lists and lists! I want to see the world. There are new places I want to go with Ryan, and with our family everyday. Hmmm, pinning it down to one place? I am going to say that I want to go to a very remote island, a non-touristy place.
AND, someday, when our kids are older, I want to go on a mission trip. I want to go on one for a couple weeks, alone, working, playing and teaching children that don't have the basic needs all children should have. This would be a dream come true for me to do this.
5. What celebrity annoys you the most?
Probably most of them! I don't pay much attention to celebrities. They catch my attention when they are pregnant or have small babies- that's when I like them! :) So, when they are annoying, I ignore them! haha
6. What is the last good book you read? (I need some new good ones, so I'm hoping this sparks some ideas for me, haha).
Books? What are those!? LOL I haven't had the time to sit and read for fun in about 5 years! Yep, wedding planning, wedding, pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing, moving, selling a house, moving, and now moving again... reading didn't have time to come up. I am an article reader, a news junkie! I love reading newspapers, and articles online.
7. If you are married or have a significant other, what are your favorite and least favorite things about them?
Favorite?? Sappy, but true.... everything! I have no complaints, we make a good team, we put our relationship first, are really good at checking in with each other about life, we are up-front and honest, and I love how dedicated we are to our family. It keeps me on my toes! :)
Least Favorite? He is a very time-orientated person. If you say, "I'll be home from Target in an hour." You should be home in an hour! haha. Being late for something is not an option. I am a late person, I have always been one to "push the clock" but, since having kids, I am never anywhere on time! It is so hard for me ... I know, bad.
8. How many places have you lived in your lifetime?
I am a "home body" ... I grew up on Portland Ave. in St. Paul. From there I moved in at my parent's apartment on Grand Ave. and then Ryan and I bought our first home on Ashland Ave. (three blocks from my parents!) We are living at my in-laws in Mendota Heights between homes right now- our next move is to Woodbury! That's going to be a big move for me!! haha!! So, I have lived in St. Paul, Mendota Heights and (soon to be) Woodbury.
9. What inspired you to start blogging?
9. What inspired you to start blogging?
The fact that I was horrible about keeping up with the boy's baby books! I never did a good job of it. I loved how well my mom kept mine, and Jana kept Ryan's. I want that boys to have some kind of "baby book" when they get older.
10. What do you eat for breakfast?
COFFEE! :) Mostly, I like the smell of it, I don't really drink that much. But, we eat a lot of eggs (hard boiled and yolks removed), yogurt and granola, and protein shakes- vanilla flavor.
11. What are you wearing right now?
11. What are you wearing right now?
My "mom-i-form" :
Black Capri yoga pants, white running socks, a tank top with a zip-up North Face fleece jacket.
My 11 Questions:
1. Do you save all of your receipts for your purchases? If yes, how long do you keep them?
2. The best day in your life?
3. Your favorite organizational tip?
4. What time do you usually go to bed at night?
5. Do you consider yourself a Facebook/internet -aholic?
6. How often do you talk to your parents?
7. One good recipe that you can share... family friendly, please! :)
8. If you won an expense free vacation for you and a guest, to leave tomorrow, where would you pick to go? And, Why?
9. What is your most prized material thing?
10. What is your favorite and least favorite household chore?
11. What is the best gift you have ever received?
OK, I am going to tag, Rachel Tupy, Jana Patrick, Kristin Jewell, Lauren Patrick, Deirdre Otis, and Betsy Manzel! I know you are ALL busy women, This is just for fun... if you have time! :)
Thanks for reading.... that was a long one! Oofta!