Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Boys!

These three boys are my world; love them dearly!!

SJ is his Summer 2012 uniform
The blue sunglasses that he got at the Grand Old Days Parade and MN Zoo Sunhat.
We got a family dog from a breeder in southern MN this summer.  He was a cute little Golden-doodle!  After 2 nights I quickly realized that being up all night with a crying puppy, house training and having to be on alert 24/7 was something I wasn't willing to do for a dog! At least that is where I stand for now... We got Oscar on a Sunday and I brought him back on Tuesday morning.  We told the boys that Oscar missed his mommy and they both agreed that he needed to go back right away! ; )
John and Oscar

Stephen and Oscar

Books in the morning

: ) 

Butterflies at the MN Zoo

Stories with Daddy
Climbing trees

Climbing trees 

John blowing dandelions 

Stevie Joe helping unload the wood from the truck-- he was such a helper! 

Sj at Treasure Island park in St. Paul -- this is John's very favorite park

All the accessories! Blue day!

John made us muffins & boy were they tasty! 

Hanging out in the bin of extra books -- notice the relaxed crossed legs  ; ) 

Coyboy John!

Being silly in the garage while we took a break from raking

Getting another load of wood from Nana and Papa's woods.

 Stephen playing trains!

I guess he was tired?!  

John playing trains!

Box fort in the basement from the appliances we bought when we moved in!
Thanks dad for putting it together and cutting doors, windows and spy holes! 

Stephen and Daddy taking a break from raking.

Finger hats!! AKA Raspberries ; ) 

Dad and his sons
We were playing kids games in the park after dark here with our friends in CL.

Fun times we have had this summer and fall!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pre-School & ECFE

John started out the year at St. Ambrose but we have moved him to Peaceful Grove in Woodbury since.  He loves his new school and his teacher is well versed in boys with loads of energy! ; ) She has 4 of her own!  Mrs. Denison is wonderful- there are 10 kids in his class and he goes Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:45-2.  We have been carpooling with the Puglisi's which has been really nice on ME!

These are his first day pictures from St. Ambrose:
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These are his first day pictures from Peaceful Grove:

Super excited for his first day with his buddy, Luke Puglisi. 

Ahh! I love this one! Buddies!

"Get our backpacks, mom!"  : )
That was the extent of the pictures I got.  Once we go to school, the boys agreed that we had taken "enough" and that is wasn't cool to take their picture at school.  And so it begins... : (

One story I want to remember:
At Peaceful Grove John has cold lunch everyday.  I went to get him a lunchbox at Target and since the school year had already begun there weren't any of the "cool" lunch boxes left.  John was hoping for a Spiderman / Cars / Transformers one, even though I wasn't.  I got him the generic one that they had left, it was black with a white striped design on the front.  John was OK with it, but bummed he didn't get a "cool" one.
The morning of his first day, Luke was over and I asked John to grab his lunch box out of the cabinet so we could put his lunch in it.  John reluctantly pulled his LB out.  Luke immediately said, " WOW! Cool John!! You have a Spiderman web lunchbox!! You are SOO lucky!!"  Praise the good Lord- Yep, John loves his lunch box! ; )

I signed Stephen and I up for an ECFE class at Central Park in Woodbury.  I thought it would be an excellent way for him to have something special and a way for us to meet more families in Woodbury.  It has been just that!  I have had a great time with the moms and SJ has loved having Pre school, teachers and something of his own to look forward to. : )

Snack time!  

Stephen helping clean up!

Painting a glittery fall tree
Stephen's teacher's name is Mrs. Susan and she is an amazing teacher!  The kids all love her so much; she knows just how to relate to the little ones!  ; )  SJ loves the group song time; we sing lots of songs but his favorites are: Baked Potato & Jelly in the Bowl.


I was looking at pictures tonight, enjoying John and Stephen as brothers -- I want to share some! : )

The boys were saying cheers to their new shoes! 

Here Stephen, I'll help you! 

And John, I'll help you go right off the sidewalk... : /

Tuckered out from playing in the backyard 

Hanging out at the St. Kate's duck pond

Feeding the ducks 

Being silly waiting for the tractor to pick us up at the apple orchard.

I found the perfect apple!! No, I DID! ; )

At the MN Zoo looking at the penguins.

MN State Fair -- Fresh French Fries -- YUM!

Playing on the 'Pad

Playing together in the summer sun!  

Watching our "dog for the weekend" (Oscar) eat his food.  

Dilly Bars on the deck! 

Playing in Mom & Dad's bed after a bath

Love that we have 2 boys!  : )