Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stephen's FIRST Haircut!

A couple days before Easter, Ryan and I were laughing at how long SJ's hair was compared to JR.  John had the clean shave look, and Stephen was rocking an over grown mullet- it was time for a cut!!

On Friday evening we took him to Kid's Hair.  He took his job very seriously, studying every move the lady made, watching her scissors and comb.  But, he didn't move much, needless to say, it went smoothly!  Ryan and I were glad we made it a family affair-

So mellow-  can you tell he has a double ear infection???  He looks kind of sad doesn't he??  :(

Brotherly.... love?

Last week, the boys were in the tub.  One of their favorite things to do!  John was hording the toys and splashing most of the water out of the tub as Stephen was refusing to sit while he was also trying to splash all the rest of the water out of the tub.  It is quite a party here!
Stephen decided he wanted the toy boat, but John wanted all the toys.  I tried to use this as a teaching moment.  Explaining to John how to share and that SJ is a baby and he doesn't know how to ask for a, let's just give him one!  Well, JR was not taking to the idea of sharing his toys and SJ was done waiting.  All the sudden, SJ lunged at JR and bit his arm- really hard!!
OUCH!!!  After icing it for 20 minutes, it still bruised.  And, every time John went near Stephen for the next couple days he would say, "NO Beef, NO Bite me!!  NICE BEEEF"

Here is John explaining what happened-  NOOOO BITE ME!

I tried to rally after the bite- I put Stephen down for a nap and I told John we were going to dip cookies in milk!  A first for John! :)

He was a disaster by the time he was done dipping his 3 Oreos-- he could have used another bath... haha

Monday, April 25, 2011

Catching up....

I have TONS to catch up on, it is going to take me a bit!  I do have the pictures to jog my memory...but I still want everything to be as fresh as possible!! 

Pray for some time in my schedule opening up....