** Probably more information that you would like to know** But, something I want for my "records" ....
Please, catch your breath! To all my biggest critics out there: until you are my
size, you cannot judge that I am ready to be done nursing.
I know that many of you are thinking,
you have made it 10 months, what's another 2?? 8 weeks of torture for me! On Saturday, I went shopping with my cousin Miranda, her son Jack and my aunt Connie- what a blast!!! As I was getting ready to go, I realized that I haven't worn a bra in over 2 weeks!
First, I don't have one that fits me- do you have any idea how hard it is to find a
nursing bra in a size 36 ** ?? The ONLY place I can find them is at Bravo Bras- they
custom make bras! I have ordered over $1000 worth of bras from online boutiques that say they have "bigger sizes"... so far none of them have been my size (I have had to return them all). However, I can find tons of bras in my size that are
not nursing. I did buy one of these for a pretty penny, the problem is that I can never nurse SJ in public then. I have to go take the bra off and then nurse. It is a mess, especially when I have John with me! And, no I can't just "pull the bra down" there are no "cute" bras in my size- it is only full-coverage yuck!
Secondly, I have bad back pain. I have been seeing a chiropractor for about 3 months now. Well, I have been seeing one since I got pregnant with John, but for the last three months I have been going 1-3 times a week. Being done nursing would decrease my size
and I would be able to find a bra that fits and would give me the support I need.
This will also make exercising so much easier- I love running and I catch myself running at the gym holding myself! Umm... not a great look, not comfortable, and not a good way to work out!
Why do I need to defend myself?! :(
I am a huge breastfeeding supporter- HUGE, HUGE, HUGE. But, I also believe that I have given breastfeeding a good, fair run. I had mastitis on and off for 7 months. I did push through that and succeeded! I am now just not interested/out of $$ to spend on more custom made bras-- do you have any idea what those cost?! I am very proud of what I went through to nurse Stephen for 10 months, and I do deserve a pat on the back for that. :) In the ideal world, I would love to nurse him until he is 18 months. That would be wonderful! But that is just the farthest thing for reality for me.
So, how is the weaning going??? Well, Stephen is really not that interested- shocked huh?! haha
I have tried breast milk, whole milk, water and formula from a bottle/sippy/cup and the
only thing he will drink is whole cow milk (cold) from a cup. UGH. That just isn't going to work!! He cannot have cow milk (as a main source of "milk") until he is 12 months. I thought *if* I could get him to drink *anything* from *anything* I could start to cut it with formula and he would be fine. Well, as soon as I add formula to anything, he freaks! I am SOOO bummed that all my BM thawed a couple months ago- I had pumped and saved enough milk to last about 2-3 months. I would have been golden. AHH.
We shall see how this goes this week as I try to wean little Stephen.