Friday, April 8, 2011

Sandbox Fun!

We have a little green turtle sandbox that was Ryan's when he was a kid! John and Stephen are both loving anytime they can get outside!  John thinks knows he has the best of both worlds.... in our backyard there are still mounds of snow where the house shadows the yard but it is sunny in the other parts.  He goes back and forth between digging in the snow and being barefoot playing in the sandbox. 
Stephen is loving the sand too!  I haven't put him in the snow because it is pretty cold to just lay in snow, but laying in the sandbox makes him one happy camper! :D  He digs with his hands and just simply looks at it, only a couple times did he accidentally put it in his mouth. As soon as his hand touched his lips he would cry- a quick lesson learned for him!

I am out of storage on my blog.... I bought more, but it takes 24 hours to kick in.  I can add the pictures then.  So much for the "free blog" ! : /

Stephen at 10 Months

I took Stephen to his "9 month" well-child appointment on Wednesday.  I had his original "9 month" check-up scheduled awhile ago, but we needed to change it to a pre-op for his surgery.  So, his "9 month" check-up got pushed to a 10 month and 1 week.  :) 
Stephen's stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz (22%)
Length: 27.75 inches (16.5%)
Weight for length: 69%
Head circumference: 17.75 inches (32%)

My beefy baby is not so beefy after all! ;)  He has slimmed out- he was riding the 80% curve at his past check-ups, but now he is on the lower end of the curve. 
His check-up went perfect!  His ears look great now that he has the tubes, lungs were clear, we counted his teeth- 7 of them with one more just about to pop through.
Now that he hasn't been running a daily fever I decided to start his shots.  He got three of them.  It was hard to watch- the nurse wouldn't do them 2 at a time- poor SJ! 
On the development part of the exam, he is doing great!! The only part he didn't "pass" was that he doesn't clap his hands.  But, really I am not worried at all.  He is a happy, healthy, growing boy! :) 
Stephen has been getting more daring with his "furniture cruising."  In the last month he has been pulling himself up and standing in his crib, at the couch, at toy bins etc.  But, once he was up he was stuck.  Now, he is able to get back down.  On Monday he even climbed up onto the trampoline in our living room!  I couldn't believe it when I saw him completely on the tramp.  Yikes!  We have been sure to keep the door to the upstairs closed... Naturally the stairs will be the next climb he tries...but these steep steps will not be accessible to him anytime soon! 
Stephen is a little fighter!  I can't believe how defensive he is to John.  If he gets within an arms reach of John he swats at him and he shouts in his face.  John's sweetness just says, "NIIIICE BEEF! NIIICE!"  When John gives Stephen a hug, Stephen just cries-- I think the sibling rivalry is in full swing!
Stephen is eating all table foods.  He eats whatever we are having for that meal- except for eggs, honey, strawberries and nuts.  He loves food and so far I have really only found one food he doesn't like- avocados. Other then that he will eat everything, he is a good eater!  The weaning thing isn't going very well.  He has no interest in any kind of formula or BM from a bottle/cup/sippy.  I bought 5 different kinds of pre-mixed formula hoping he would like one of them- nope!
Stephen is sleeping through the night, only occasionally he wakes up. If I nurse him he goes right back to sleep.  He is still sleeping in the swing.  We put him to sleep at 8:30/9pm and he wakes up about 7/7:30am.  He naps on and off while we are running to appointments during the days, but when we are home for the day he takes a short cat-nap in the morning from about 10ish-10:30a and then again from 1-3/4pm.
Stephen loves to play with toys!!  He is very entertained by them- he has 2 toys that I would consider his favorite: Sophie the Giraffe and a plastic french fry.  He chews on them- they are small and the perfect size for little baby hands.  SJ really likes to play with a lot of different toys and is always trying to get in the middle of what ever JR is playing!
Stephen is still riding in his baby carrier for a car seat or as we call it; the bucket. However, I think he is almost bursting out of it!  We may be able to get a couple more weeks out of it... but then it is time for him to graduate to a rear facing 5 point harness car seat. 
Stephen continues to be an easy going baby with an infectious laugh.  Now, if I can just get him to stop being so feisty to John!  They are brothers for life- <3
<3  We love you Stephen!!!  <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Tonight we were driving, and got stuck in traffic a little longer then we were expecting.  While we were driving, John was asking for "num-nums"  ... Clearly he was hungry!So, Ryan and I started talking about where we could stop for food.  McDonald's? Culver's? Famous Dave's? Applebee's?  All the sudden from the backseat we hear: "APPLE-BEES!!" Ryan and I both simultaneously looked at each other and said "DID HE JUST SAY APPLEBEE'S?!!!??"  AHHHHH! :D
We were sooo shocked!  It was one of the most exciting moments- John was smiling ear-to-ear.  He was so proud of himself.  And we were even more proud.  We couldn't believe it~ Go John!! You have been exploding with new words everyday! 
On Tuesday, when we were driving to the MN Zoo, John was pointing out all sorts of things... a go-go (train) truck,  then when we got there.... duck, zeeebra, moose.  It is so fun to hear him talk, he has so much to say.  AND all in the sweetest little voice.  I love it, I love you John.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mom and John Date

On Monday night, I was feeling like I really needed to get out of the house!  Well, let me back up to earlier in the day first.  Monday morning, I woke up to an email in response to my weaning blog...well, I woke up to a ton of supportive emails!  It was very relieving to know that really, I have a huge support system around me- family, friends and all my mom friends from M&M's.  Thank you!  One mom, Cyndi has a 5 month old who she is still BFing- and she had some extra pumped milk that she offered me.  So, I packed up the boys and we went to their house for a little informal play date.  It was really fun for the boys-a whole room full of new toys and Makenna to play with!! :D Cyndi and I got to chat while the kids played then I got my Cyndi's milk and we left. 
Monday evening, I was planning to take John to got him a new potty chair because his old one broke.  As I was packing the boys up, I thought, hmm...maybe Sara will watch SJ so I can have some time with just John?? Sure enough, she agreed!! :D  So, I dropped of SJ at my parents and Sara and SJ played while John and I went on a date!  (DATE, it is John's new favorite word.  On Sunday mornings, Ryan and I go on a date; church, breakfast and to buy groceries.  It is something we talk about all week and then on Sunday mornings, we tell John that he gets to have a date with grandma and poppa while mom and dad have their date.)  Anyways, after we dropped off SJ, John and I headed to BabiesRUs and found a new Elmo potty.  Of course, he picked it out! ;) Then we went to Perkins and had dinner.  We had a blast!  While we waited for the food, I didn't have to talk to any other adults, or be dividing my time between JR and SJ.  We colored on the menu, played eye-spy, sang songs and read the dessert menu. ;)  We enjoyed our dinners and then John took his cookie and the pie we got dad and we headed to my parents to get SJ. 
Stephen had a blast with Sara, Mike, Kelli and my parents- it was a party over there! We brought the potty inside to show everyone and played for a bit until Ryan called to tell us he was on his way home from school.  I packed the boys up and we headed home! A very fun night! Thanks Sara!!
Now, I just need to get John consistently using the potty...haha

Mail from Nana

Nana has been gone for awhile now (a month or more?) vacationing in Cabo and then to their AZ home.  John (well, all of us!) have really been missing her.  John has a very strong bond with his Nana Jana.  Nana watched John 4 days a week while I had to work from when John was 12 weeks until he was 16 months.  Nana was very good to John, she spent every minute he was at her house in full John mode. Now that I have been home with the boys, I make sure the boys see Nana as often as possible.  This is high on John's list of Favorite Things! :D When Nana went to Cabo, I explained to John that Nana went on an airplane with Bompa and Lauren to the Ocean. Now, that Nana is in AZ, I have been explaining that Nana went on another airplane to a place with no water- the desert! Every time we see an airplane, John points, and shouts, "NANA, HI NANA!!  NOOO WATTY!!!"  He sure misses Nana! 
However, since the boys' surgery, Nana has been sending packages, cards or postcards almost everyday!!  I have been finding John waiting at the front window when for the mail van to pull up.  Then he runs around in circles shouting, "NANA!! NANA!!" It has been really fun for him to be getting all this mail!!  The packages have been filled with all sorts of stuff; matching Sun Devils shirts, movies, Elmo crackers and cereal bars, Highlights magazines, bath toys, play-doh, little boxers for John, and the list goes on.  
I keep trying to have John call Nana to thank her... but everytime I remember, I get sidetracked-  He will just get to thank her in person when she comes home on FRIDAY! :D

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Backyard Project Continues...

This weekend, Ryan and Ryan went lilac killing crazy! :)  My brother Ryan was in town and offered to help Ryan pull down all of our lilac bushes.  Ryan P. was thrilled to have help!  I couldn't help because I was on baby duty... and having the boys in the backyard while doing this was simply not safe.  So, I took the boys to Burnsville mall shopping for a MOB dress for my aunt Connie- and we found a smookin' hot MOB dress!! ;D 
Ryan and Ryan sure went to town!  We need to clear all of the lilacs (that have been grown over with grape vines) so that we can put up our new privacy fence.  Well, saying that we (Ok, Ryan) needs to just clear the lilac would be a huge understatement.  There is a ton of prep work that needs to be done -- tons.  They guys cut down all the lilacs and cut up the brush.  We have a big pile of the "tree-trunk" parts and 3 huge piles of the "brush" part. 
Today we burned brush in our fire pit while John played in the snow that is left on our yard and I played with Stephen in the backyard. It was great to be outside for a few hours and spend time as a family.  We seem to not have much of this time in our busy lives right now.  Usually someone is at class/work/appointments/running errands/cooking etc. 
Thank you Ryan Lais AND Ryan Patrick ;) for all of the hard, physical work you did this weekend! It was NO small task you took on.  And, we WILL be having you and Jinette over for drinks and cigars in our backyard this summer! :D  Thanks!

MOM Lead Weaning

** Probably more information that you would like to know**  But, something I want for my "records" ....

Please, catch your breath!  To all my biggest critics out there:  until you are my size, you cannot judge that I am ready to be done nursing.
I know that many of you are thinking, you have made it 10 months, what's another 2??  8 weeks of torture for me!  On Saturday, I went shopping with my cousin Miranda, her son Jack and my aunt Connie- what a blast!!!  As I was getting ready to go, I realized that I haven't worn a bra in over 2 weeks! 
First, I don't have one that fits me- do you have any idea how hard it is to find a nursing bra in a size 36 **  ??  The ONLY place I can find them is at Bravo Bras- they custom make bras!  I have ordered over $1000 worth of bras from online boutiques that say they have "bigger sizes"... so far none of them have been my size (I have had to return them all).  However, I can find tons of bras in my size that are not nursing.  I did buy one of these for a pretty penny, the problem is that I can never nurse SJ in public then.  I have to go take the bra off and then nurse.  It is a mess, especially when I have John with me!  And, no I can't just "pull the bra down" there are no "cute" bras in my size- it is only full-coverage yuck!
Secondly, I have bad back pain.  I have been seeing a chiropractor for about 3 months now.  Well, I have been seeing one since I got pregnant with John, but for the last three months I have been going 1-3 times a week.  Being done nursing would decrease my size and I would be able to find a bra that fits and would give me the support I need.
This will also make exercising so much easier-  I love running and I catch myself running at the gym holding myself! Umm... not a great look, not comfortable, and not a good way to work out!
Why do I need to defend myself?! :(
I am a huge breastfeeding supporter- HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.  But, I also believe that I have given breastfeeding a good, fair run.  I had mastitis on and off for 7 months.  I did push through that and succeeded!  I am now just not interested/out of $$ to spend on more custom made bras-- do you have any idea what those cost?!  I am very proud of what I went through to nurse Stephen for 10 months, and I do deserve a pat on the back for that.  :)  In the ideal world, I would love to nurse him until he is 18 months.  That would be wonderful!  But that is just the farthest thing for reality for me. 

So, how is the weaning going???  Well, Stephen is really not that interested- shocked huh?! haha
I have tried breast milk, whole milk, water and formula from a bottle/sippy/cup and the only thing he will drink is whole cow milk (cold) from a cup.  UGH.  That just isn't going to work!!  He cannot have cow milk (as a main source of "milk") until he is 12 months.  I thought *if* I could get him to drink *anything* from *anything* I could start to cut it with formula and he would be fine.  Well, as soon as I add formula to anything, he freaks!  I am SOOO bummed that all my BM thawed a couple months ago- I had pumped and saved enough milk to last about 2-3 months.  I would have been golden.  AHH. 

We shall see how this goes this week as I try to wean little Stephen.