Saturday, January 15, 2011

Painting the Snow

Last night, Ryan was feeling sick so I wanted to get John out of the house so he could sleep.  I needed to do some overdue shoveling and John and I both needed fresh air!  So, I went to work shoveling and John went to work pushing all the shoveled snow back onto the sidewalk. :)  We had a lot of fun and it was a really nice night to be outside! The snow was so deep that John had a hard time moving around in it.... I needed a way to keep him busy on a little bit of sidewalk. That's when the food coloring, spray bottles and water came into play!
I made a green spray bottle and a blue one.  (I decided yellow wasn't a good color...yellow snow... or red...) Anyways, John had a blast walking up and down the sidewalk spraying the snow green and blue.  John made "art" with his spray bottle, and I wrote names and letters in the snow.  It was fun for us to get outside!! :)  Oh, what a little food coloring and water can do!

Becoming Mobile

Both boys are becoming more mobile!

Since we have been on house arrest, I have noticed that John is going up and down the steps standing up the whole way.  We have very steep steps, so he usually would go down them backwards (which I thought was a good idea!) and then almost "crawl" up them.  He wants to be a grown up when it comes to the steps- he won't let anyone hold his hand, help him or go down backwards anymore. 

Stephen is working on his 5th tooth!!!  He has his bottom 2 and top 2 front teeth.  The top tooth, on the left side of his front teeth, is just about to poke through.  He is actually a pretty good "teether" ...  no diaper rash, no rosy cheeks, and not too much fussing.  He just likes to chomp on everything that goes in his mouth! :)  We are feeding him baby food once a day since the end of December.  He really likes to have the solid food, but still loves nursing.  It has been nice for us both.  If I need to be away from him for a little bit, he can have solids because he doesn't like bottles, at all!!
Stephen has been pushing up on all fours!!!  His army crawling is getting better every day, he is able to scoot off the rug in the living room and maneuver himself to a toy he wants.  I was really shocked the other day when I went to the basement to change the laundry and stir our dinner, when I came back to the living room SJ was off the rug and halfway to the dining room. He is pretty quick on his tummy.  If he has plenty of toys in front of him he will push up on all fours and rock back and forth a little.  Oh boy, I am going to be in trouble soon when he is mobile!! Yikes!

This weekend Ryan and I are finally sick too.  Ryan came home from work early yesterday and went right to bed with a head cold and now today I am feeling it too.  Both, John and Stephen still have their coughs and stuffy noses.  I can't wait to open the windows and let these germs fly!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not Much to Report

I really have nothing exciting to blog about!
We seem to just be sick, all the time!!  Ryan and I have all these "dreams" of things we want to do with the kids during these cold, snowy winter months... but instead we are busy meeting our insurance deductible. 
We would love to be out sledding, doing winter crafts, making 'creations' in the kitchen, and sipping hot chocolate laughing about all the fun we have been having!  
We haven't done that, but I do know their daily white counts! ;)
Stephen is now running a high fever (103+) and John has been running a lower one (99-102)  And we can't figure out what either of them have... again. So, here we sit, watching Elmo, reading books, doing puzzles and waiting. 
I am so exciting to put the Tylenol away, thermometers away, and be able to be a part of the world happening around us.  I have been to my Thursday nanny job ONE time since Thanksgiving!!  It has been (almost) every Wednesday that the boys come down with a fever, vomiting, etc.   I am sure you can feel my frustration-  I just feel so couped up here. 

Let's just say, our new (awesome) insurance plan from 3M started at just the right time!! :D

Dreaming of a weekend at the cabin, 80 degrees out and the boys playing in the sand.....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Uncle Ryan Comes to Visit

With John being so sick over the holidays, we have been spending a lot of time at home.  We don't want to spread our germs or catch anyone else's! :D

But!  Ryan came into town from Sioux Falls for a job interview! We were so excited to see him- it had been way, way to long!!  We went to have pizza at Davanni's on Grand.  John loved all the attention, Grandma's stickers, and all the pizza he could eat. 
Sara, Ryan and John-  SO excited to have dinner with the FAM! ;D

Stephen and his God-Daddy! (Markie)

I will explain...
When John was sick with his high fever we (made) him constantly have a cool rag on his neck.  At first he fought it the whole time. We tried to bribe him with books, Elmo shows and his tootsie to leave it on his neck.  Then, he completely had a change of heart-  He wouldn't let us take it off to even re-wet it!  Now he wants a rag (or anything) on his head/neck.  Oh John- you are a silly boy!

The boys!
Mike, Ryan, Papa Joe, Ryan, Stephen, Mark, and John
These boys are out numbering the girls.... eeek!  We girls need to stick together! ;D