John, Ryan and Great Grandma Evie. John is eating candy- we will be doing lots of extra brushing tonight! :)
John had an "ah-ha" moment. All of the sudden he figured it out- at each door you get more candy! He had so much fun!! :D
John and Stephen, or should I say our Lion and Frog... So cute!!!
John found a little plastic spider, so we all were singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Great Grandma Evie with Stephen. He was telling her lots of stories!
I didn't get a picture of it, but John made GGEvie a picture of a pumpkin patch, it had 3 pumpkins on it and then he finger painted green vines connecting them. It is now hanging on Evie's fridge. :)
Great Grandma Evie gave the boys a boost to their college savings accounts for Halloween. Thank you Grandma Evie, that was very thoughtful of you!