Monday, February 21, 2011

Lazy Weekend

This weekend we did a lot of relaxing!  We had ambitious plans, but they went right out the window...
On Saturday I was extremely tired from the past week, so at about 10am I needed a nap already, haha.  I took a nap and then we headed to my parents.  I hung out with Sara while Ryan and my mom helped pack up my dad's display from his trade show.  Sara  was on John duty and I was on Stephen duty at my parents.  We played and chatted while Ryan and my parents were away. 
Saturday evening, Ryan and I had a bright idea to invite his parents over for dinner because they are going to be out of town a lot in the coming weeks.  But, they already had plans.  Then we called my parents, but they were going to see a movie.  Ryan and I stood here laughing-  Wow, times have changed! We used be the ones going out all the time, now we are the ones home all the time!! haha
So, we ate our spinach salads, pork chops, potatoes, carrots and rolls alone.  :)  Then, Ryan went to Kohl's to by new work shoes because last week he officially wore his old ones out- the sole came right off it!! While Ryan shopped, I nursed SJ and put the boys to bed.  As I sat here watching TV on our thrilling Saturday evening, Sara called and said she was bringing over Cold Stone ice cream!  Sara and I chatted about life and enjoyed our ice cream. 
It turned out to be a great night! :D

On Sunday, Ryan and I wanted so bad to go to church alone, in the past weeks we have had to leave early because we were rapidly melting.  We dropped the boys off at my parents this morning and loved our time at mass alone!! We felt like kids again! ;D  Then we went to Target to get our groceries and we enjoyed our coffee as we shopped.  It was so nice to have some us time and be productive too!!
The rest of the day, we played, Ryan did homework and shoveled 4 times!  We had stuffed peppers for dinner, chocolate chip cookies for dessert and then it was bed time!

It was nice to relax and watch the 12+ inches of snow fall outside.  <3

And now for some pictures from our weekend:

SJ caught playing with the vacuum!  Saturday morning.
John with his dirty shirt on, enjoying our lazy Saturday morning!

<3  BrOtHeRs <3
(This picture was SO sweet! ... I was talking to Ryan about how cold SJ was during the night, and saying that we need to be sure SJ has his hat on while he sleeps.  When we came around the corner to check on the boys, John had put Stephen's hat on him!!)
Ryan waving to John while he was out shoveling.

Stevie Joe in the Jumper-  He was LOVING it!!


Male bonding time!  The boys were having some time together.  So sweet!

Big wet kisses!!! 

PS, did you notice we also got John's hair cut on Saturday afternoon... oh man, he needed it!!  He sat extremely well while his stylist, Monica cut his hair.  We go to Kid's hair in Highland every 5-7 weeks for a haircut with Monica.  She is amazing at cutting hair!



Sounds like a fun weekend, Caroline! We must all be on the same wavelength ~ We had ColdStone on Saturday night too, and it was DEE-LISH!!! Makes me excited for summertime :) Can't wait to see you guys more often -- We sure do miss you all!! XoXo

<3 Jinette