Friday, February 25, 2011

Daddy's Clothes, Cookies and a Magna-Doodle

All in all, it was a fun week!

After a day at the doctor on Tuesday, Ryan had class so I was home for the long night alone.  Until, my friend Katie from high school came over and helped out with the boys!  It is always so fun to catch up with her- she lives a very fun, spontaneous life- I love to hear all about it! (Have fun in Florida this week!!) :)  It is so nice to have help with the boys.  We ate dinner, played, then she helped me bathe them, and get everyone ready for bed.  Wahoo!  The boys love her- and I love to have 4 hands to help and an adult to talk to. :D

What a cutie!!!
That night, when it was time to go to sleep, John was hysterical wanting his daddy.  He was truly sad that Ryan wasn't here.  Ryan and John have a very special bedtime routine.  I nurse SJ, and Ryan and John go get ready for bed.  First, they get their jammies on, brush teeth together, read 2 22 books and then Ryan sings him songs and lays with him until he is sleeping.  Most importantly, he has to tip-toe out of his room completely silent!! :)   It is so sweet, John has a very hard time when Ryan isn't here to put him to bed  and Ryan has a hard time when he isn't here to put John to bed.  Father-Son bonding time <3 

Stephen did spend time at the doctor this week, but he seems to hopefully be on the mend!  While I was playing with John on Wednesday morning, I snapped this shot of Stephen making his first Magna-Doodle picture.  He actually got what was happening!  As his mom, I love when you get to see his gears turning.

On Thursday, I had a meeting to go to (alone!) :)  so, my mom watched SJ and Jana watched JR.  Stephen and my mom played and he ate a lot! haha-  chicken, brown rice, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower blueberries and banana.  He must be a growing boy!  John and Jana played outside and made cookies! These are two of John's favorite things- being outside and sitting on the counter at Nana's mixing up cookie dough. 
Ryan made the rounds from 3M in Woodbury to Nana's in Mendota to my parents and finally home with the boys in tote!

These are pictures of a clown cookie my mom bought John at the bakery.  I gave it to him as a "bedtime snack" ....  haha   He did  actually fall asleep pretty quick even after his treat.  Notice the red M&M nose was the first to go! :)

**OH MAN!!   Stephen JUST pulled himself from a crawling position to the standing!!!!  Yikes! StAnDiNg!! EEk.  :D  He was playing on the floor with an animal puzzle, and he crawled over to me, grabbed onto my legs and slowing stood up! :O