Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Next Step, Infectious Disease & UPDATE

I took Stephen to the Doctor again today.  He is still running a fever and just can't seem to get 100% healthy. 

Today his labs results were still off, so tomorrow we are going to the infectious disease doctor at the hospital. 

I will update this when we know more information!   Prayers for little Stephen.  I am sure everything will be ok, I am just a mom, his mom and I am really good at worrying about my baby!  :'(

Infectious Disease Appointment recap:

We saw a great doctor!  She was very thorough, we went through all of our medical history, all of it! haha
She is doing loads of blood work and cultures.  She wants to check his immune system to see if it is making his T cells and B cells and if so, how many and so forth.  Then she did a re-check on his CBCs, WBC, ...everything that has been off in the past.  I also had to collect a urine and bring it down to Children's last night, to make sure he doesn't have a UIT

Her first thought was that he needs his adenoids out and tubes put in.  He has had 8 ear infections since August!   I actually already had an appointment set up with Dr. Malone (ENT) for March 15 (soonest available)   But, the doctor we saw last night is going to call her office today and see if she can get that appointment moved up.  She thinks the tubes will help the ear infections, and having the adenoids removed will help with all the other symptoms (constant fevers, runny nose, snoring, wheezing, eczema etc.)  Then, with all of those things fixed she hopes that his blood work will go back to normal too. 
His hemoglobin has been low for about 2 months now, platelets have been over double of the high end of what they should be, and he has a high white count.  Those are the biggies but there was other things off too... I just can't remember them all! haha

Hopefully we are on the road to recovery!! I will post as we know more information about the results. :)

Stepehn's Weight: 18lbs 10oz
Stepehen's Height: 28 inches


Auntie Maggie

Caroline, Both Jean and Nanette had earaches, and Nanette even had tubes in her ears. Sounds like little Stephen has had quite a time! and his mommy and Daddy! It sounds like you are on the right track. Good for you for being a great mom and not giving up on finding out what is wrong... I hear earaches are terribly painful... poor little guy. <3 <3