Saturday, February 26, 2011

Who Stole the COOKIE!?

As I sit at home today, alone (!!) having an open house, Ryan has the kids at his parents.  Ryan dropped John off there this morning at 9 and came home to help me clean before the OH.  Stephen played in his jumper and watched- chatting the whole time!

First, I am going to back up...
Last night, John and Stephen were very tried after our dinner of leftover stir-fry and pasta. They were both in bed by about 8:30.  Since it was Friday, Ryan and I thought it would be fun to stay up!! haha  We got out a wedding gift from the Patrick side of the family- our popcorn popper!!  We made buttery salty popcorn and chatted as we snacked.  It is always so fun for us to have these kind of nights- we feel like high schoolers again!! No kids, and snacky food while chatting about life.  <3  We stayed up until about 1am!  (lots to chat about I guess! haha)

Ohhh!  Right, the reason for this post!  CoOkIeS.
Yesterday I was singing songs with John.  I thought back to songs I liked singing when I was little.  One song that always comes to mind is who stole the cookie form the cookie jar??  I remember singing this song with my Godmother, Terri when she lived with us.  I can't remember a whole lot from then, but that song and her doing my hair before preschool are ones that stick out.  SO, I was singing this with John, he thought it was soo funny!  When I would say daddy stole the cookie from the cookie jar,  he would laugh and laugh!  And when we were all done with the song, I asked John who really stole the cookie, he looked very seriously at me and said, Nana.  And with the same breath, he shrugged his shoulders, did a belly laugh and belted out,  NNNNOOOO!!  BABY!!!
I love how John understands sarcasm and loves to be silly! ( And that he is already blaming things on his little brother....!!)

Stephen has been doing oodles of babbling.  Sometimes Ryan and I will joke that he won't ever be quite.   :)  About 3 weeks ago he started making the sound, da-da-da-da-da and since then he has been using the word with purpose and on command!  This is super exciting to us!! Talking AND standing! :D


Jana Patrick

JOHN!!!! Blaming Nana????? I
And Sevie Joe? It was SABO who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
