Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stephen the Builder, Stander and Peak-a-Boo-er!!

Stephen has found a great interest in our big building blocks.  Today, we had a (very) mellow day because I have mastitis again (!!!).  We did a lot of books, puzzles, stickers, Chutes and Ladders and blocks.  This morning I thought I would put on a kids show to give me some time to lay on the couch and rest.... of course when I turned the TV on, our signal was out! :)
While I was reading books to John, Stephen played with our blocks.  At first he had a hard time figuring out how to lift the (big) red ones, but once he figured it out- he was a stacking king! :D  I was so excited for him!!  He can stack 3-4 all by himself. 
These are the blocks we have- love them!
Toddler Cardboard Stacking Blocks

Last night we were playing on the porch, and Stephen was standing alone

He isn't able to lift his head up yet- he quickly looses his balance if he does. :)

It was super funny/cute because the whole time he was screaming and laughing- he didn't know which to do!
I am not ready to have two babies walking!  Eeek, I am thankful for everyday that SJ hasn't taken that first step yet! :)  My days are numbered.... I wish he could stay a baby forever. <3 

Another fun thing SJ learned is peak-a-boo-  While we were driving to and from the cabin last weekend, I sat in the back with the boys, mostly reading to John and singing songs.  But, Stephen played peak-a-boo with me!  We used his blanket, at first I was moving the blanket up and down, and then he grabbed it and did it.  He thought it was hilarious! I was laughing so hard just from all of his laughing!! :D Such a silly guy! So, in between pages from the book I was reading to John, I was doing a peak with Stephen-- did I how carsick I was?! LOL  Good thing it is only a 2 hour drive! :)