Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Look Who's Talking!

Both boys are making huge strides!  John has come such a long way! It was just a short 6 months ago that his vocabulary was maybe 20 words tops.  Now, he has hundreds of words he can say!! Woohoo- I would even go as far to say that sometimes he doesn't stop talking! HA  He is like a broken record at times. :)   He is working on saying 2-3 word phrases.  We are still going to Miss Molly fr speech 2x weekly, and boy does John love her- he is starry eyed for Miss Molly. ;)  We will continue with Miss Molly for until he turns 3 and then re-evaluate his progress and possibly take a 3-5 week therapy break.  John uses 2 word phrases 75-85% of the time and 3 word phrases 25% of the time.  Ryan and I are learning we need to be careful about what we say around him because he is repeating a most words he hears! OOps!  There are still many letter sounds that are too hard for John still but he is making great strides to say the words anyways- usually he just pronounces the word and omits the sound(s) he cant do.  Ex. Prize = Pize.  When you ask him his mane, he will simply say, ME!  The J sound we haven't mastered yet.  John has also been very interested in songs and singing.  We sing in the car and before bed.  He will request one of the many songs he knows and then will sing the last word of each line.  He can also do the hand actions to a few songs too. 
His favorite songs to request are:
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Wheels on the Bus
On Top of Spaghetti
Found a Peanut
Mary had a Little Lamb
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
He has also been learning his numbers- his favorite number is 8.  The answer to everything is 8.  :)  He will count bites of food at meals, puzzle pieces and how many of something he gets. (ex. 3 stickers) I say the number first and he will repeat. 
I am thrilled with the progress John is making!!!! <3

Stephen has started to talk too!!!  I have been shocked at how he has started to pick up on some words.  Mom, Bye-Bye, Num-Num, Dada, Night-Night.  I can't wait to see what life will be like with 2 talking kids!! :D 

Ready to go for a walk on a breezy evening. :)