Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011

I woke up early and headed to Granny Doughnuts (Ryan's favorite guilty pleasure!) for some blueberry doughnuts.  Then to Rainbow for eggs, bacon, salsa and OJ.  I got home just as the boys were all waking up.  I made breakfast and then we hung out.  Ryan was begging for a day of "nothing"  He is just so busy with work, school, the 2 councils he on/leads and all that is included with the upkeep of the house while we are trying to sell it. 
We took a family nap around 11am! HA everyone was tired still from the cabin on Saturday.  We went grocery shopping, cleaned the house and hung out.  The little boys made Papa and Bopa cards so we went to deliver them. :)  Bummer, I forgot to take pictures of them.... they were finger painting and hand prints, pretty cute if I do say so myself!
We went to Patrick's first, played there a bit had dinner and played some more. 

Trying to get a father's day shot of Ryan and the boys. 

Clearly it wasn't working..... BUT it does capture what our life is like these days! :D
Steve was golfing, so I didn't get a picture with the four Patrick men... BUT, I did have this nice shot from the cabin! :)

Then we headed to my parents house with their cards -

My parents had Kelli, Dan, Mark, Sara, Ed Shinbach and Alan Pritz over for dinner.  We got there at the tail end of dinner... just in time for dessert! :D  The boys played in the backyard while everyone finished their dinners and then we had banana cream pie. Yummy!
Stephen and John opened their birthday gifts from Sara- a sensory ball for John, and a Cars book and shirt for Stephen.  :) Thanks Sara! 

Stephen wearing the sunglasses my mom got for John. :) 

We took a couple pictures in the front yard by the famous tree....

Then it was home for baths and bed! :) 
Love you Ryan, Dad and Steve!  I sure have 3 amazing dads in my life, XO <3