Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Un-TEEs!! AKA: Unders

Stephen is obsessed!
He is constantly taking off his pants, pointing to his parts and then bee-lining it to the nearest toilet as if he is about to burst with urine.  I am not really sure where this sudden burst of potty training interest came from, especially because he is a bit young for boys to train...and he is terrible with his aim and timing for that matter!
Tonight, he went digging through the dirty clothes pile to find some un-tees.  He found a pair of John's Toy Story ones and proceeded to get them on.  He put both legs through the waist hole first (good,) but then put both legs through one leg hole and up they went... all the way up past his belly button.  Ryan and I got a good chuckle out of it especially because his meaty little buns were sticking out the bottom of his shirt as he ran trotted around proclaiming UN-TEES!! UN-TEES!! with pure satisfaction on his face, it was pretty much a strut around the kitchen, he was wearing John's unders, he put them on him self and he had just peed in the little green potty all over the floor (while sitting on the potty.  Like I said, the aim is terrible.)  Not five minutes later, he had put on three more pairs of unders he found of John's.  By this point, it was a safety hazard-- he was doing a mermaid walk around the basement.
Have a gotten this lucky as a mom?! Am I going to have 2 kids that are super easy to potty train?! If so, I have earned it! HA