Monday, March 12, 2012

Moving Update

Things are coming along!
Last week, on Tuesday SJ and I dropped JR off at school and headed to Sears to return the appliances we bought for the other house and picked out ones that are a little different for the new house.  We also got to return the disposal, and water heater.  :) We are now getting black appliances and I am SO excited to see them and use them! They are being delivered on the 24th. Yahoo!
I have been calling around to get prices on the cost of running a couple gas lines... so far I have nothing set in stone for this.
On Friday, our Realtor, Sue met us at the house so we could see it again, measure the laundry room, re-look at our "plan" for the kitchen appliance rotation, and let the boys "pick out" their bedrooms.  (they are identical rooms... it was mostly just for them to see the house)  I actually went about 45minutes early with the kids and let them run around the backyard playing and collecting pine cones.  They had a blast!!  Both of them didn't want to leave, John has been asking "can we go to our new blue house yet??"  That's a good thing...we were worried about the transition for him and SJ.  I hope that is a sign that it will be smooth...!
Over the weekend, Ryan and I got everything from the sub-basement moved into the garage, we got all of the outside toys and "stuff" by the back of the house moved into the garage. And, we went through all the boy's clothes, took out the ones that don't fit, re-organized them and packed their clothes for AZ.  And, we got started on our new washer/dryer stand. :) We cut the big pieces of wood, and measured the rest.  The boys woke up from the sound of the table saw, so the wood cutting party was over, but that's when we headed outside with the boys for some hockey, tee-ball, and volleyball practice! We grilled wings for dinner.  It was SO nice out, I <3 spring!
We have TONS to do still, but we are making progress!  
Moving while you are not pregnant (& on bed rest) or nursing/have terrible mastitis is a breeze! ;)  I love that I can help with everything -- it makes things so much easier!
This week, I need to get paperwork/address changes made, do more organizing and then next weekend we are moving everything we have into the garage here, except for what we need for the week- we will be "packing" suitcases for the week with clothes and essentials.  THEN, we close the 23rd and our truck is rented out for the morning of the 24th.  Ryan and I are going to start in Bloomington, put everything from storage into the moving truck, then go to Patrick's move everything from the garage into the truck and unload it ALL into our new house on the 24th.  THEN, the unpacking and organizing begins!!!  Words can not describe how badly I can't wait to have systems in order, places for everything, bins and labels on things and less of a cluttered/messy/disorganized life! haha