Friday, February 17, 2012

Things that make me smile

* Hot coffee with cream
* Pregnant women
* A clean house
* Open windows
* Hot showers
* Date nights
* Snuggling with the kids
* The feeling after a good workout
* Grilled food
* Martinis
* Seeing Ryan smile
* Christmas Eve mass
* Singing in the car
* Sleeping kids
* Helping someone else
* New cars
* Art projects John and Stephen make
* Airplanes
* Bonfires
* Temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees
* Girlfriends
* My family
* The smell of the boys after a bath (Johnson&Johnson gets me every time!)
* Starbucks
* Family outings
* Arizona
* Apple trees
* Being in the Christmas Spirit
* Weekends
* Homemade popcorn
* Weekends at the cabin
* Skiing (it's been a while, but I do really like it!)
* Christmas songs
* Spring flowers
* Thick, heavy quilts
* Hot chocolate
* A clean windshield
* A can of Coke (However! I have been Coke FREE for just over a month!!!)
* Building blocks with the boys
* Walks in the woods
* Long drives with Ryan
* Dreams of our future
* Disney World
* Sandy beaches
* Nachos
* Reaching a goal
* Coupons
* Leaving Target and spending less then $100
* Pictures of babies
* Long hugs
* Thinking it was Thursday and finding out it is Friday
* Home cooked dinners
* Reading books to John
* Trampolines
* Laundry detergent
* Swimming pools
* Girls night out
* Encouragement
* New socks
* Weddings
* Lemonade stands
* Haircuts
* Columbia zip-ups
* Thinking about my childhood
* Trying something new
* December 28th

I took 10 minutes to see what I would come up with! This made me smile! :D