Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ryan, My Super-Husband

This post has very little to do with the fact that I have such a long way to go before I am ever swimsuit ready again, and everything to do with how much support I have from Ryan while trying to be again, someday.  ;)

I had been trying to work out for over a year.  Ryan would help me get everything packed for the gym the night before (put the stroller, diaper bag, snacks for the boys, etc. in the car) and I would spend my days TRYING to work out. Every time I would go it somehow ended in a disaster.  EVERY TIME.  WITH.OUT.FAIL.
I would get there, realize I forgot my shoes or something. (end of work out attempt)
When I remembered everything, I would ALWAYS be paged to the childcare center 20 minutes into my run: CAROLINE PATRICK, REPORT TO THE CHILDCARE IMMEDIATELY! (end of workout)
When I got to the CC, one of them was poopy, had puked, took their clothes off, peed their pants, was LOST etc. (we went home)
OR, if for some reason, I got to finish my work out, the next morning, they both would wake up sick- fevers, runny noses, puking ... you name it.
After really trying to make this work for about 6 weeks. It was the biggest headache.  I was so stressed about the gym, I wasn't getting good workouts in and the boys were not benefiting from the CC.  I called it quits, UNTIL our house sold.
Ryan does understand that making time for me to get to work out is important, and he has been nothing but supportive in any way I have ever asked him to be. Every time.
I came up with a crazy workout plan, and presented it to him to see if he was on board with how much training I wanted to do to get (as close as possible, while still being realistic!) back to my pre-baby self.  It has been consisting of long nights of him home with the boys after working all day.  Oh, and the BIGGIE, it also meant he took this semester off of school!!! 
Ryan has been doing such a wonderful job, I can't stress enough how wonderful it is to go to the gym and be able to put "home-life" on my back burner; not worry about the laundry, who has appointments tomorrow, what phone calls need to be returned etc.  I get to focus on me 4 weeknights a week for what has been turning into 3 hour workouts (not including drive time....) and weekends too --I have been feeling so much more human, been able to clear my mind, and I am loving the time to myself.
Thank you Ryan for being SuperDad and Super Husband!  I don't thank you enough- Thank you for your support, your love and all the long day you put in for me!
You are the best, Pooks! XXOO


Betsy Manzel

Wow! Good for you Caroline. Sounds like you are a Super-Mommy! Don't know how you do it with two.