Monday, January 23, 2012

John and Counting

John is really good with his numbers! He can count to 10 easily and with a little hiccup around 16, he can get to 20! :)  It has been fun for us to watch him explore counting and numbers while applying it to daily life. ...
Everything he counts is "2" ....
John, what time is it? 2 in the noon.
John, this is your 5minute warning until we are leaving.  2 more minutes mom?! PLEASE! 2 minutes! (Umm, sure John, we can stay 2 minutes instead of 5.)  :)
John, How old am I (mommy)?  2!
John, how tall is daddy? 2!

Last night while we were driving in the car, Ryan and I were talking, Stephen was singing Elmo songs and John was counting.  That's when he piped up and said, Dad! Me have 9 finges!!! 
Ryan and I tried to hold back our laughter, as the fear was high that he was missing a finger!  Ryan said, John, did you remember to count the finger you were counting with?? John: OH! That silly fingy!!  haha!! I DO have 10! 10 fingys!

This morning while I was feeding the boys breakfast, John was not impressed with the almond slivers in his yogurt/granola mixture.  He kept saying, I see nuts in my yo-guy. I would try to skirt the "issue" and I said, boy John, you have a sharp eye!! He looked at me and said, Mom, I have 2 sharp eyes, to see these 2 NUTS!! You have sharp eyes?? SEE! NUTS MOM!!!  Yes, John, there are nuts in your yogurt... you don't need to eat them... :/  LOL