Friday, June 10, 2011

Stephen's Stats at ONE

I took SJ to his well child Dr visit on Tuesday.  He passed all of the development questions except the clapping part!  They asked my at his 9mo appointment if he was clapping... no.  Then, he still isn't! However, I am not worried about his development at all! Clapping will come...we will just need to do more "Patty Cakes" :) 
Weight: 20lbs 14 oz (21%)
Height: 29 inches (24%)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (29%)
Weight for length ratio: 55%
He is a solid little boy, but growing just perfectly! The Dr ordered some labs to check a few things that were off at a prior appointment. 
Re-checked his lead levels, still slightly elevated but they have come down from what they were.
Iron: Still very low, we are upping his iron Rx to a higher dosage.  I hope that helps.
His hemoglobin was good (11.4) but one of the "agents" was too low... so that needs to be re-checked again. 
(always something!)

Stephen eats whatever we are serving for a meal.  He will eat anything and everything. He has a very healthy appetite and rarely isn't hungry.  Some favorites:
Breakfast: YoBaby yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, eggs, wholewheat waffles
Lunch: deli turkey meat, cheese, fruit, avocados
Dinner: homemade grilled pizza, enchiladas, steak, mashed potatoes
...and the list goes on!  He does a little "happy dance" while he is in his chair waiting for food!  I have been impressed at the fact that very little food falls on the floor, he rarely will pick up his plate and spill it.  All in all, meal times are a success with Stephen!

I DID IT!!!!  OK, We did it!! ;)  I made it to a year! When I was feeling very overwhelmed with the whole exclusive nursing I wanted to just, "be done" but, I pushed through and decided I would nurse in the morning when he woke up, after lunch and before bed.  Much more do-able!!!  I started giving him formula mixed with some whole milk around 10.5 months for meals.  Then, as it warmed up and he seemed more thirsty, I have been giving him water in between meals.  He is a thirsty fella!  I tried a bunch of different sippy cups and the best ones I have found are the 'Take and Toss' cheapies at Target.  I love them! 
As long as Stephen is happy nursing, I plan to continue nursing him 2-3 times a day.   And, as of now he is an addict! hahaha  Ahh, what a sense of accomplishment for me-- I am very happy I pushed through and did it for him.

Stephen is a very easy baby! I simply lay in him his crib awake (after he is done nursing) put a little receiving blanket over his legs and tummy and sing him a little song while rubbing his belly.  "Nighty night little Stevie Joe, nighty night.  Shhhhh. Shhhhh.  Night Night, mommy and daddy love you.  Playing time will be here soon.  Close your eyes, night night little Beef"   Then he turns his head to the side and goes to sleep.  ~AmAzInG~  When SJ wakes up he is always smiling for ear to ear and jumping in his crib. So nice to wake up to a cheerful baby!
He goes to bed at 8pm and will sleep until 6:30/7:30am.  Then, most mornings he will take a nap around 10-12 and then again from about 2:30-4.  OR if we are not home in the AM for his nap, he will just take one nap from 1-4. 

He has been a pretty quite baby, but in the last 2 weeks he has learned "MOM" Now, he says it all the time, and with authority too! It is loud and he means business!  He also says, "Num Num Num" when he wants to eat or is eating.  I have heard him say "dad" but he hasn't been using it yet consistently or directly at Ryan yet.  Soon though!!  :) 

Not yet! YAY! I don't think I am ready for 2 boys that walk (in different directions) yet.  Since we have been outside playing all the time lately, SJ isn't a huge fan of crawling on his hands and knees in the grass.  So, he crawls up on all fours, it is quite funny to watch!  In the past week he has started to stand up all alone!  I was shocked the first time he did it and it only lasted a couple seconds.  But, now he is able to stand for close to 20 seconds (before he falls or John pushes him over! haha)   It will be soon that the walking begins....eeek!

Stephen LOVES to play with toys! He will sit on the floor and play with a toy for a looong time.  I am always so surprised at how content he is to be playing and exploring toys.  He isn't one to rip everything out of my kitchen cabinets, he will look on them, and only pulls out all of the towels/dish rags.   He got a little drum for his birthday and he bangs on and does a little booty dance to the music.  Super cute!
SJ is a mommas boy and I love it! I remember handing John to other people and he wouldn't even react about the possibility of me leaving.  I would joke around that I should start pinching him so he would cry. ;P  With Stephen he cries whenever I put him down or hand him to anyone else.  He wants to snuggle with me all the time, or at lease be in a close distance.  And, I am fine with it! :)  I know it is good for him to get used to other people which I make sure to have him exposed to other family members and Ryan (Of course!!) but I like that I am his "lovey" instead of a blanket or a tootsie.



Congrats on making it to a year of nursing Caroline, that's an amazing accomplishment and I know you overcame a lot to get there! Stephen is a cutie and sounds like a lot of fun!


Thank you Jodi! It was a long year, but I am so proud that I did it! :) You went through WAY more then I did-- you will always be a nursing hero to me! (EEEKKK, So excited for you won't be long at you will be nursing AGAIN!) :D


What a cutie! I love this picture haha! He looks like such a happy boy :) Also congrats on nursing...we'll see how far I can make it once our little one arrives! Love reading about the kids and all your stories too! Sounds like a lot of fun!