Friday, January 21, 2011


This week was a bit of everything....

John has been very interested in potty training.  He wants to sit on his little green Ikea potty all day... all day...alllll daaaayy.  We don't have a bathroom on the first floor, so by the time we get upstairs to use it we usually have an accident.  To solve this, we have a little green Ikea potty in the living room.  To be honest, this was not my preferred potty training method.  I wish he would learn to just go to the bathroom in the bathroom!  It really saves a step from the green potty to the regular toilet.  Ryan and I are entertaining the idea of turning Stephen's room into our (temporary) play room.  Then, during the day John can be right next to the bathroom. John doesn't care which potty he is on, he just wants to be on a potty.  :)
We will see how all of this continues to pan out...
John has been regressing with his sleeping lately.  He was sleeping about 12 hours during the night with a 2-3 hour nap.  This week I was lucky if he took a 1 hour nap and he was waking up during the night 3-4 times.  Hmm, I would love for this to just simply go back to how it used to be! ;) haha

Stephen had a bit of a rough week.  : / 
My worst nightmare came true, he rolled off our bed.  Luckily, (and I can't stress that enough) we sold our very tall headboard and just had our mattress on the box spring, laying on the floor.  He cried for a couple minutes, and then just wanted to nurse.  I cried for ... a loong time, called Children's Hospital, iced it and then stayed up watching him for 6 hours.  Oh man, I felt terrible, to say the least.  By the next morning you could barely see where he "bonked" Oy, vey!
He has the little red rough knees!!  The true sign of a baby learning to crawl! SJ has been getting up on all fours and doing major rock sessions.  It is bitter sweet to see him becoming mobile-- exciting to watch him hit his next milestone, but so sad to not have a bitty baby in the house. :)
Stephen did break through his 5th tooth!  He is obsessed with grinding his teeth.  Ryan and I think that is one of the worst sounds... but Stephen thinks it is one of the best sounds. lol He is so proud of getting a reaction out of Ryan and I.

During dinner, Stephen has been wanting to be a part of all the action! We moved John to a real chair, which is proving quite difficult.  His little body is just pretty little for the big chairs.  However, Stephen is loving sitting in John's old chair.  He is reaching for all the plates, cups, silverware, and anything John tries to sneak into his reach/mouth.

Today I took the boys back to the Dr ...again. We had them re-run their blood work and listen to their coughs that are still in full swing.
John weighed 27lbs! :)
The Dr was worried because John is wheezing and she thinks his airways seemed tight and constricted.  Now he is on Albuterol 3x daily and Pulmicort 2x daily.  She also put him on an antibiotic for 10 days for his sinus infection.
Stephen weighed 18lbs! :)
The Dr said Stephen is in the same boat with his breathing.  He is also doing a neb of Albuterol 3x daily and Pulmicort 1x daily.  And an antibiotic for 10 days... sinus infection. 
Stephen's hemoglobin has been low the last couple of draws, so we are watching that as well as his high platelet count. 
( I realize this is boring for you all to read... I just want to have it "on record") :)
Oh, I am dieing to whip these windows open and let these germs fly!!! I guess tonight is not the night to do this because today's high was 1 degree! Brrr...