Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a great Halloween!
It was fun to do an open house, next time we will have to pick a more family-friendly time!  It was hard for people to drive over during prime-trick-or-treating-time!  But, nice to hang out with our family and friends who did venture! 
I even had past students stop by!  Thanks Cy and Izzy!!  It was so nice to catch up with you! :)

John was going to be a Lion... but he wanted to be just like his dad more!  So, since Ryan was wearing a jersey, John wanted to also. 

Ryan teaching John how to show of your muscles!  haha  John would not do it for the picture last night, but right now as we are looking at these pictures, he is showing off his muscles!  His veins are popping out of his neck! haha  He makes his dad proud!

Kelli, Dan and little Stephen! 
Kelli and Dan made yummy pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting to share. They even left a few at our house... I had one for breakfast with my coffee.  Aah, I love fall foods!! Maybe, just maybe, I can get the recipe from these two....  we shall see....

Nana was a peanut butter cup and so was Auntie Lauren! John and Ryan's favorite candy!  Yesterday morning I came downstairs to make the boys breakfast- well- John and Ryan looked at me like I was crazy when I offered to make eggs- They had already helped themselves to Peanut Butter Cups!  Ryan said, "It's Halloween!! Candy all day!"    OOKAYYY...  :)

Grandma Mitty and Stephen.  Stephen did a great job enjoying being a froggy!  He was so cute in his costume and did lots of talking with his sweet raspy voice. 

Ryan and Papa Joe.  Enjoying a few brews by the fire-  It was the perfect night for a fire.

We hope you all  had a safe and sugary Halloween!  What were you/your kids for Halloween?  I love to get good ideas... thinking about next year already.  :) 


Katie K

Lovely pics! Sounds like you had a great night. :)

We went to a party on Saturday, and then I went to Yoga on Sunday night (such a great time!). Karl was a contestant from Legends of the Hidden Temple (which almost no one understood), and I was supposed to be his partner on the show, but my costume was shrunk and so last minute I threw together a gypsy costume. :) What were you for Halloween??

Lauren Patrick

Caroline I'm so glad you are doing this blog! I'm missing so much while I'm gone so its nice to have this connection!

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Katie, It sounds like you had a fun Halloween too! I was looking at your pictures on FB- cool costumes! :)
Lauren- I know our life is pretty lame... BUT, I always felt so bad last year when you and my brother Ryan, and Mark were gone at college- I felt like you missed so much. And this year, you, Alana, Mark, Ryan, & Jinette are ALL gone!! It is hard to have family not here! SO, I thought it would be a way for you to know what us crazy Patrick's are doing!! :D I'm glad you are reading... We sure miss you Lauren!!! XO We are super excited for Turkey Day!! WOOT WOOT