Monday, October 4, 2010

September 2010

The Patrick's have done lots of new things in the past couple weeks!

Stephen is getting SO big, he is almost 4 months old!  A couple nights in a row he was waking up very hungry, we decided to try giving him a little rice cereal before bed.  He was a pro at eating, and loves it!  I also let him have a lick of an apple one day at lunch while John was eating some.  Stephen thought it was interesting, but enjoyed the new taste. 
I scheduled Stephen's 4 month well-child checkup, and I realized they were going to ask me how much "tummy time" Stephen is getting.  NONE! haha  I am always holding him because he is so cuddly and he has a big bro that just wants to play, play, play! (We haven't figured out the concept that Stephen is still too little...)  We made him a safe zone in his bedroom.  I put him in his crib with some toys, and he LOVES it!!  I was so excited, he was grabbing the toys and moving them around. 

John had his first school!!  He started ECFE in South St. Paul.  We go on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30.  His teacher's name is Ms. Jana, and mom's teacher is Ms. Carol.  There are many fun friends and toys in his class.  We have even had homework to do, things like, bring a banana, an apple, go for a nature hunt.  His favorite part is the large muscle area; surprise, surprise!
We have been slowly starting to potty train John! He has been showing interest in trying to push, telling us when he has a soiled diaper, etc.  Nana Jana bought him a little green potty that he has been going on.  When he goes he is SO proud of himself!  We have been rewarding him by doing a family dance and song! haha- It is quite a sight, but it gets John excited. 

We are looking forward to Uncle Ryan's wedding this coming weekend!! John has been wearing his bow tie and suspenders around the house.  He is pretty cute!  We are heading down to Mankato on Thursday morning- let the festivities begin!!!

September 22, 2010 Stephen's first rice cereal meal.  He did such a great job with the spoon concept!

Our two boys!! 

 John giving Stephen a kiss.  He is so sweet to his little brother- this is what having kids is all about!
John practicing for Jinette and Ryan's wedding. 

 Stephen sound asleep in mom and dad's bed.  So warm- I love those red cheeks!
John standing next to his first school art project, and his nature scavenger hunt homework.  He is one proud student!!