Well, our weekend was full of ups and downs....
On Friday morning, I forgot to take John to therapy- it was a long (hot) night at the Patrick's! Both boys had trouble sleeping in the heat and I put them down for naps at 10am!! I called Ryan at work and asked if he wanted to take a 1/2 day of vacation and we could head to the cabin a little earlier then planned. He said he needed to wrap a few things up and he would be on his way home! Yahoo! :D I quickly packed the boys and we loaded the truck. We wanted to try and spend the night ... I thought maybe since the Beach and Peterson kids would be there, John would be able to sleep??
We have had such a great time catching up with the Beach's- I sure wish they really lived here!! ;) We had a very simple dinner of burgers and fruit pizza, the kids swam and played all afternoon together. Peterson's got there around 7pm and just as we were beginning to feel "moved in" for the weekend, it started getting really dark out. I suggested to Ryan that it looked like it was going to storm and he should go clean up the beach toys etc. He ran down there with John and with in minutes it was full force storming out. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. The wind was so strong it was almost blowing us over as we ran to the basement. The lake had white caps on it, the power went out and a huge tree fell on the cabin, right by where we were. A couple other trees on their property fell too. Once the storm was over, went to access the damage. There were at least 40+ trees down and power lines laying on the little road that connects us to a main road. Ryan and I knew, we were sleeping at the cabin!! ;) John slept until about 3:30. He woke up and was ready for the day. Stephen was loving the cabin air and snuggled all night in his crib. I sat with John in the truck, reading books, singing songs and swatting mosquito's! Around 7am he and I both fell asleep in the truck... just in time for Ryan ans Stephen to wake up! HA We thought we better go look at the roads now that it was light out and try to get ice. There were crews and residents all over the roads with chainsaws and trucks. It was very sad to see; not only the beautiful trees that had fallen, but the homes crushed, you could see the devastation on their faces- many of them probably one major bill away from a financial crisis. It was hard to see.
We made it to the town of Danbury- they were letting one person in the store at a time, and all they could buy was ice- cash only. Well, we had no cash so we called Jana ans Steve to let them know what was going on and to get ice on their way to the cabin.
We quickly realized it was time to head home - no power, no water, and no sleep (for me) was not a good combo. It was time for us to hit the road- we drove home.
Ryan got caught up on homework and mowed the lawn while I started the laundry and took a nap with the boys.
On Sunday we went to Patty and Dan's for dinner and fireworks. It was nice to get the boys out in the fresh air! As we drove home we watched all the firework displays that were happening. Stephen slept and I sat in the back seat with John helping point out the "sparkles"
On Monday, we went to the Patrick's for a summer dinner- burgers, a few salads and ice cold water! :) Just what we are all always looking for lately! haha. We didn't stay for the "sparkles" at Mendakota. We were very tired and Ryan had to be up for work bright and early the next day. It was lights out by 8:45 here!! :D

John was "fixing" the tree that fell on the cabin--- hmm...

I took these from Chrissy's blog.... :/ I didn't take ANY pictures of the 4th 2011!! It was a pretty hectic weekend. Ufta!
(Thanks Chrissy!!)
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