As I sit at home today, alone (!!) having an open house, Ryan has the kids at his parents. Ryan dropped John off there this morning at 9 and came home to help me clean before the OH. Stephen played in his jumper and watched- chatting the whole time!
First, I am going to back up...
Last night, John and Stephen were very tried after our dinner of leftover stir-fry and pasta. They were both in bed by about 8:30. Since it was Friday, Ryan and I thought it would be fun to stay up!! haha We got out a wedding gift from the Patrick side of the family- our popcorn popper!! We made buttery salty popcorn and chatted as we snacked. It is always so fun for us to have these kind of nights- we feel like high schoolers again!! No kids, and snacky food while chatting about life. <3 We stayed up until about 1am! (lots to chat about I guess! haha)
Ohhh! Right, the reason for this post! CoOkIeS.
Yesterday I was singing songs with John. I thought back to songs I liked singing when I was little. One song that always comes to mind is who stole the cookie form the cookie jar?? I remember singing this song with my Godmother, Terri when she lived with us. I can't remember a whole lot from then, but that song and her doing my hair before preschool are ones that stick out. SO, I was singing this with John, he thought it was soo funny! When I would say daddy stole the cookie from the cookie jar, he would laugh and laugh! And when we were all done with the song, I asked John who really stole the cookie, he looked very seriously at me and said, Nana. And with the same breath, he shrugged his shoulders, did a belly laugh and belted out, NNNNOOOO!! BABY!!!
I love how John understands sarcasm and loves to be silly! ( And that he is already blaming things on his little brother....!!)
Stephen has been doing oodles of babbling. Sometimes Ryan and I will joke that he won't ever be quite. :) About 3 weeks ago he started making the sound, da-da-da-da-da and since then he has been using the word with purpose and on command! This is super exciting to us!! Talking AND standing! :D
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
John's Puppy
NO! We did NOT get a dog! ;) haha
BUT, my mom brought over this little dog tattoo that looks just like my childhood dog, Albert. She put the tattoo on his forearm and two weeks later, it is still there! Now, any of you who know me or John know he has at least one bath per day, some days 2 or 3 or more. But this tattoo won't come off. (I know the baby oil trick, but I haven't really tried to actually get it off- I just thought it would naturally rub off by now.)
Today, while I was feeding Stephen lunch and John was eating his, I asked John, Who loves you? He responded, Momma! I asked him again and he said Daddy! Again, Baby! Again, Bompa! (Grandpa Steve) Again, MOMMAAA! Again, DADDDYYY!!! He was done answering who loved him, so I went to the next question, Who do you love? WOOF! (and he brought his arm to his face, kissed the little puppy on his arm and then smiled at him.)
Again, if you know me well, I am not a fan of temporary tattoos on children! But, in this moment today, I opened up a little more to letting my kids wear them. It was so sweet. (And, yes I am over the fact that he didn't say he loved me when I asked him...) :D
John, you are a sweet little boy! And, we love you!!!!

This is the only picture of Albert I have on my computer. This is the day before our wedding at my parents house posing with Dad's prize Oak tree. <3
BUT, my mom brought over this little dog tattoo that looks just like my childhood dog, Albert. She put the tattoo on his forearm and two weeks later, it is still there! Now, any of you who know me or John know he has at least one bath per day, some days 2 or 3 or more. But this tattoo won't come off. (I know the baby oil trick, but I haven't really tried to actually get it off- I just thought it would naturally rub off by now.)
Today, while I was feeding Stephen lunch and John was eating his, I asked John, Who loves you? He responded, Momma! I asked him again and he said Daddy! Again, Baby! Again, Bompa! (Grandpa Steve) Again, MOMMAAA! Again, DADDDYYY!!! He was done answering who loved him, so I went to the next question, Who do you love? WOOF! (and he brought his arm to his face, kissed the little puppy on his arm and then smiled at him.)
Again, if you know me well, I am not a fan of temporary tattoos on children! But, in this moment today, I opened up a little more to letting my kids wear them. It was so sweet. (And, yes I am over the fact that he didn't say he loved me when I asked him...) :D
John, you are a sweet little boy! And, we love you!!!!

This is the only picture of Albert I have on my computer. This is the day before our wedding at my parents house posing with Dad's prize Oak tree. <3
Daddy's Clothes, Cookies and a Magna-Doodle
All in all, it was a fun week!
After a day at the doctor on Tuesday, Ryan had class so I was home for the long night alone. Until, my friend Katie from high school came over and helped out with the boys! It is always so fun to catch up with her- she lives a very fun, spontaneous life- I love to hear all about it! (Have fun in Florida this week!!) :) It is so nice to have help with the boys. We ate dinner, played, then she helped me bathe them, and get everyone ready for bed. Wahoo! The boys love her- and I love to have 4 hands to help and an adult to talk to. :D
2 22 books and then Ryan sings him songs and lays with him until he is sleeping. Most importantly, he has to tip-toe out of his room completely silent!! :) It is so sweet, John has a very hard time when Ryan isn't here to put him to bed and Ryan has a hard time when he isn't here to put John to bed. Father-Son bonding time <3
Stephen did spend time at the doctor this week, but he seems to hopefully be on the mend! While I was playing with John on Wednesday morning, I snapped this shot of Stephen making his first Magna-Doodle picture. He actually got what was happening! As his mom, I love when you get to see his gears turning.
On Thursday, I had a meeting to go to (alone!) :) so, my mom watched SJ and Jana watched JR. Stephen and my mom played and he ate a lot! haha- chicken, brown rice, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower blueberries and banana. He must be a growing boy! John and Jana played outside and made cookies! These are two of John's favorite things- being outside and sitting on the counter at Nana's mixing up cookie dough.
Ryan made the rounds from 3M in Woodbury to Nana's in Mendota to my parents and finally home with the boys in tote!

These are pictures of a clown cookie my mom bought John at the bakery. I gave it to him as a "bedtime snack" .... haha He did actually fall asleep pretty quick even after his treat. Notice the red M&M nose was the first to go! :)
**OH MAN!! Stephen JUST pulled himself from a crawling position to the standing!!!! Yikes! StAnDiNg!! EEk. :D He was playing on the floor with an animal puzzle, and he crawled over to me, grabbed onto my legs and slowing stood up! :O
After a day at the doctor on Tuesday, Ryan had class so I was home for the long night alone. Until, my friend Katie from high school came over and helped out with the boys! It is always so fun to catch up with her- she lives a very fun, spontaneous life- I love to hear all about it! (Have fun in Florida this week!!) :) It is so nice to have help with the boys. We ate dinner, played, then she helped me bathe them, and get everyone ready for bed. Wahoo! The boys love her- and I love to have 4 hands to help and an adult to talk to. :D
What a cutie!!!
That night, when it was time to go to sleep, John was hysterical wanting his daddy. He was truly sad that Ryan wasn't here. Ryan and John have a very special bedtime routine. I nurse SJ, and Ryan and John go get ready for bed. First, they get their jammies on, brush teeth together, read Stephen did spend time at the doctor this week, but he seems to hopefully be on the mend! While I was playing with John on Wednesday morning, I snapped this shot of Stephen making his first Magna-Doodle picture. He actually got what was happening! As his mom, I love when you get to see his gears turning.
On Thursday, I had a meeting to go to (alone!) :) so, my mom watched SJ and Jana watched JR. Stephen and my mom played and he ate a lot! haha- chicken, brown rice, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower blueberries and banana. He must be a growing boy! John and Jana played outside and made cookies! These are two of John's favorite things- being outside and sitting on the counter at Nana's mixing up cookie dough.
Ryan made the rounds from 3M in Woodbury to Nana's in Mendota to my parents and finally home with the boys in tote!
These are pictures of a clown cookie my mom bought John at the bakery. I gave it to him as a "bedtime snack" .... haha He did actually fall asleep pretty quick even after his treat. Notice the red M&M nose was the first to go! :)
**OH MAN!! Stephen JUST pulled himself from a crawling position to the standing!!!! Yikes! StAnDiNg!! EEk. :D He was playing on the floor with an animal puzzle, and he crawled over to me, grabbed onto my legs and slowing stood up! :O
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Next Step, Infectious Disease & UPDATE
I took Stephen to the Doctor again today. He is still running a fever and just can't seem to get 100% healthy.
Today his labs results were still off, so tomorrow we are going to the infectious disease doctor at the hospital.
I will update this when we know more information! Prayers for little Stephen. I am sure everything will be ok, I am just a mom, his mom and I am really good at worrying about my baby! :'(
Infectious Disease Appointment recap:
We saw a great doctor! She was very thorough, we went through all of our medical history, all of it! haha
She is doing loads of blood work and cultures. She wants to check his immune system to see if it is making his T cells and B cells and if so, how many and so forth. Then she did a re-check on his CBCs, WBC, ...everything that has been off in the past. I also had to collect a urine and bring it down to Children's last night, to make sure he doesn't have a UIT.
Her first thought was that he needs his adenoids out and tubes put in. He has had 8 ear infections since August! I actually already had an appointment set up with Dr. Malone (ENT) for March 15 (soonest available) But, the doctor we saw last night is going to call her office today and see if she can get that appointment moved up. She thinks the tubes will help the ear infections, and having the adenoids removed will help with all the other symptoms (constant fevers, runny nose, snoring, wheezing, eczema etc.) Then, with all of those things fixed she hopes that his blood work will go back to normal too.
His hemoglobin has been low for about 2 months now, platelets have been over double of the high end of what they should be, and he has a high white count. Those are the biggies but there was other things off too... I just can't remember them all! haha
Hopefully we are on the road to recovery!! I will post as we know more information about the results. :)
Stepehn's Weight: 18lbs 10oz
Stepehen's Height: 28 inches
Today his labs results were still off, so tomorrow we are going to the infectious disease doctor at the hospital.
I will update this when we know more information! Prayers for little Stephen. I am sure everything will be ok, I am just a mom, his mom and I am really good at worrying about my baby! :'(
Infectious Disease Appointment recap:
We saw a great doctor! She was very thorough, we went through all of our medical history, all of it! haha
She is doing loads of blood work and cultures. She wants to check his immune system to see if it is making his T cells and B cells and if so, how many and so forth. Then she did a re-check on his CBCs, WBC, ...everything that has been off in the past. I also had to collect a urine and bring it down to Children's last night, to make sure he doesn't have a UIT.
Her first thought was that he needs his adenoids out and tubes put in. He has had 8 ear infections since August! I actually already had an appointment set up with Dr. Malone (ENT) for March 15 (soonest available) But, the doctor we saw last night is going to call her office today and see if she can get that appointment moved up. She thinks the tubes will help the ear infections, and having the adenoids removed will help with all the other symptoms (constant fevers, runny nose, snoring, wheezing, eczema etc.) Then, with all of those things fixed she hopes that his blood work will go back to normal too.
His hemoglobin has been low for about 2 months now, platelets have been over double of the high end of what they should be, and he has a high white count. Those are the biggies but there was other things off too... I just can't remember them all! haha
Hopefully we are on the road to recovery!! I will post as we know more information about the results. :)
Stepehn's Weight: 18lbs 10oz
Stepehen's Height: 28 inches
Monday, February 21, 2011
What do the Patrick's eat?
I thought it would be fun to document our grocery list... I think it is a ton of food, but I bet in 5 years, 10 years and so on it will be nothing... haha
What do we buy on a weekly basis?
10-12 bananas
2 cartons of strawberries
1 carton of blueberries
1 carton of raspberries
10 Honeycrisp apples
2 avocados
1 tomato
2 lemons (for my iced tea!)
1 jug of Simply Orange juice
and one other fruit that looks good (today was 2 mangoes)
1 bag of carrots (this is every other week)
1 bag of celery hearts
1 bag of spinach
1 bag of romaine lettuce or a head of lettuce
1 green pepper
2 onions
4 potatoes
1 head of broccoli
1 head of cauliflower
1 bag of snow peas
1 garlic bulb (we buy this every 2-3 weeks)
2 packages of chicken breasts
1 pound ground beef
1 pound of Italian sausage (to be browned and added to pasta sauce)
1 pound sliced roast beef
1 pound sliced turkey
2 loaves of whole wheat bread
1 package of tortilla shells
1 box of pasta
2 boxes of granola
1 box of whole wheat Eggo waffles
2 gallons of skim milk
1 gallon of whole milk
18 eggs
4 tubs of vanilla yogurt
1/2 pound sliced colby jack cheese
1 pound mozzarella cheese in a brick
1 jar of Vodka sauce
Yellow mustard
1 frozen pizza
1 bag of baked lays chips
(Ryan wanted) doughnuts!
1 carton of tomato basil soup
I think that is all.... until next Sunday!
What are we eating this week?
*Veggie/chicken stir-fry with brown rice
*Steak (in our freezer already) garlic mashed potatoes, carrots and a green salad
*Pasta, meat sauce and salads
*Chicken Tacos
* Leftovers....
** on the weekend we eat whatever we feel like. Which can really vary!
For breakfast we have eggs, yogurt/granola, oatmeal, eggos, fruit
For lunch we have sandwiches, soups, leftovers, or odds and ends
The pizza is for a lunch on the weekend OR if something comes up during the week and dinner doesn't get finished, I have a plan B haha :D
OK, bedtime! SJ is sleeping!! Yahoo!
What do we buy on a weekly basis?
10-12 bananas
2 cartons of strawberries
1 carton of blueberries
1 carton of raspberries
10 Honeycrisp apples
2 avocados
1 tomato
2 lemons (for my iced tea!)
1 jug of Simply Orange juice
and one other fruit that looks good (today was 2 mangoes)
1 bag of carrots (this is every other week)
1 bag of celery hearts
1 bag of spinach
1 bag of romaine lettuce or a head of lettuce
1 green pepper
2 onions
4 potatoes
1 head of broccoli
1 head of cauliflower
1 bag of snow peas
1 garlic bulb (we buy this every 2-3 weeks)
2 packages of chicken breasts
1 pound ground beef
1 pound of Italian sausage (to be browned and added to pasta sauce)
1 pound sliced roast beef
1 pound sliced turkey
2 loaves of whole wheat bread
1 package of tortilla shells
1 box of pasta
2 boxes of granola
1 box of whole wheat Eggo waffles
2 gallons of skim milk
1 gallon of whole milk
18 eggs
4 tubs of vanilla yogurt
1/2 pound sliced colby jack cheese
1 pound mozzarella cheese in a brick
1 jar of Vodka sauce
Yellow mustard
1 frozen pizza
1 bag of baked lays chips
(Ryan wanted) doughnuts!
1 carton of tomato basil soup
I think that is all.... until next Sunday!
What are we eating this week?
*Veggie/chicken stir-fry with brown rice
*Steak (in our freezer already) garlic mashed potatoes, carrots and a green salad
*Pasta, meat sauce and salads
*Chicken Tacos
* Leftovers....
** on the weekend we eat whatever we feel like. Which can really vary!
For breakfast we have eggs, yogurt/granola, oatmeal, eggos, fruit
For lunch we have sandwiches, soups, leftovers, or odds and ends
The pizza is for a lunch on the weekend OR if something comes up during the week and dinner doesn't get finished, I have a plan B haha :D
OK, bedtime! SJ is sleeping!! Yahoo!
Lazy Weekend
This weekend we did a lot of relaxing! We had ambitious plans, but they went right out the window...
On Saturday I was extremely tired from the past week, so at about 10am I needed a nap already, haha. I took a nap and then we headed to my parents. I hung out with Sara while Ryan and my mom helped pack up my dad's display from his trade show. Sara was on John duty and I was on Stephen duty at my parents. We played and chatted while Ryan and my parents were away.
Saturday evening, Ryan and I had a bright idea to invite his parents over for dinner because they are going to be out of town a lot in the coming weeks. But, they already had plans. Then we called my parents, but they were going to see a movie. Ryan and I stood here laughing- Wow, times have changed! We used be the ones going out all the time, now we are the ones home all the time!! haha
So, we ate our spinach salads, pork chops, potatoes, carrots and rolls alone. :) Then, Ryan went to Kohl's to by new work shoes because last week he officially wore his old ones out- the sole came right off it!! While Ryan shopped, I nursed SJ and put the boys to bed. As I sat here watching TV on our thrilling Saturday evening, Sara called and said she was bringing over Cold Stone ice cream! Sara and I chatted about life and enjoyed our ice cream.
It turned out to be a great night! :D
On Sunday, Ryan and I wanted so bad to go to church alone, in the past weeks we have had to leave early because we were rapidly melting. We dropped the boys off at my parents this morning and loved our time at mass alone!! We felt like kids again! ;D Then we went to Target to get our groceries and we enjoyed our coffee as we shopped. It was so nice to have some us time and be productive too!!
The rest of the day, we played, Ryan did homework and shoveled 4 times! We had stuffed peppers for dinner, chocolate chip cookies for dessert and then it was bed time!
It was nice to relax and watch the 12+ inches of snow fall outside. <3
And now for some pictures from our weekend:
On Saturday I was extremely tired from the past week, so at about 10am I needed a nap already, haha. I took a nap and then we headed to my parents. I hung out with Sara while Ryan and my mom helped pack up my dad's display from his trade show. Sara was on John duty and I was on Stephen duty at my parents. We played and chatted while Ryan and my parents were away.
Saturday evening, Ryan and I had a bright idea to invite his parents over for dinner because they are going to be out of town a lot in the coming weeks. But, they already had plans. Then we called my parents, but they were going to see a movie. Ryan and I stood here laughing- Wow, times have changed! We used be the ones going out all the time, now we are the ones home all the time!! haha
So, we ate our spinach salads, pork chops, potatoes, carrots and rolls alone. :) Then, Ryan went to Kohl's to by new work shoes because last week he officially wore his old ones out- the sole came right off it!! While Ryan shopped, I nursed SJ and put the boys to bed. As I sat here watching TV on our thrilling Saturday evening, Sara called and said she was bringing over Cold Stone ice cream! Sara and I chatted about life and enjoyed our ice cream.
It turned out to be a great night! :D
On Sunday, Ryan and I wanted so bad to go to church alone, in the past weeks we have had to leave early because we were rapidly melting. We dropped the boys off at my parents this morning and loved our time at mass alone!! We felt like kids again! ;D Then we went to Target to get our groceries and we enjoyed our coffee as we shopped. It was so nice to have some us time and be productive too!!
The rest of the day, we played, Ryan did homework and shoveled 4 times! We had stuffed peppers for dinner, chocolate chip cookies for dessert and then it was bed time!
It was nice to relax and watch the 12+ inches of snow fall outside. <3
And now for some pictures from our weekend:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Visiting Great Grandma Kreuser
On Friday, Kelli and I took the boys to see my grandma Kreuser. Kelli came over and we ate a quick lunch, packed and re-packed the boys, changed their clothes and finally loaded up in Kelli's car. We got on the road and then realized we needed to get something at my parents, oops!
Ok, now we were ready! JR, SJ and I slept the whole way there as Kelli drove. (Wow, I needed that nap!! I was SO tired!) We were greeted at the door by Grandma Kreuser. She sure loves visitors, especially if they are under 3 feet tall. We visited with her for a few hours, John tore her whole living room apart and she tried out my mom's ipad. I was impressed, she got the hang of the touch screen pretty fast. We got to catch up on allgossip she knew! haha Then Uncle Dave and Aunt Karen stopped by with fish and chili and Uncle Dan came too!
It is always fun to go to the farm, some of my favorite childhood memories are on the farm.
Kelli and I knew we were melting fast, so as Dave and John added wood to grandma's fireplace we quickly cleaned up all the toys and packed up. We headed home after making a dinner stop at Subway.
It was so fun to go see grandma- we don't make it there often enough!! And I couldn't have done it with out Kelli's help! John and now mobile Stephen are quite the pair.
Ok, now we were ready! JR, SJ and I slept the whole way there as Kelli drove. (Wow, I needed that nap!! I was SO tired!) We were greeted at the door by Grandma Kreuser. She sure loves visitors, especially if they are under 3 feet tall. We visited with her for a few hours, John tore her whole living room apart and she tried out my mom's ipad. I was impressed, she got the hang of the touch screen pretty fast. We got to catch up on all
It is always fun to go to the farm, some of my favorite childhood memories are on the farm.
Kelli and I knew we were melting fast, so as Dave and John added wood to grandma's fireplace we quickly cleaned up all the toys and packed up. We headed home after making a dinner stop at Subway.
It was so fun to go see grandma- we don't make it there often enough!! And I couldn't have done it with out Kelli's help! John and now mobile Stephen are quite the pair.
Stephen, an Ole??
On Thursday, I took John to his appointments and Nana Jana took Stephen to see his Godmother Alana at college. Jana picked little Stevie Joe up in Woodbury and off they drove in the fog to St. Olaf for lunch.
Stephen is so lucky to get to have lunch with Nana Jana and his Godmother, Alana.
I called Jana at about 1pm to check in and see how he was doing. She said they were at a McDonald's parking lot, SJ was hungry. And, no he wasn't eating McDonald's! ;D Just baby food!
(After John's appointments we went to the gym. John played in the child care center-- he loves it there! But, today when I went to pick him up he was getting in trouble. I asked why and I was told, John has been repeatedly taking the other children's toys and when we ask him to give them back he has been putting the toy behind his back looking us in the eyes and saying "HI!!" and then walking away. OY VEY.) I tried to look past this mischief (after of course scolding him) and we went to the cafe at LT for a snack. Everyday John tries to grab a bag of chips and make a run for it. We have never stopped in there to eat, ever. But, I thought it would be fun since it was just John and I. John snacked on his sun chips and water while I brushed crumbs into a pile -- damage control.)
When I picked up SJ that afternoon I asked how everything went, and I was told, he had a major blowout!
Oh Stephen! That just simply isn't polite, you will not get asked on lunch dates if you poop on them!! haha Thanks Auntie Alana and Nana Jana for taking Stephen on his first college visit!!
Stephen is so lucky to get to have lunch with Nana Jana and his Godmother, Alana.
I called Jana at about 1pm to check in and see how he was doing. She said they were at a McDonald's parking lot, SJ was hungry. And, no he wasn't eating McDonald's! ;D Just baby food!
(After John's appointments we went to the gym. John played in the child care center-- he loves it there! But, today when I went to pick him up he was getting in trouble. I asked why and I was told, John has been repeatedly taking the other children's toys and when we ask him to give them back he has been putting the toy behind his back looking us in the eyes and saying "HI!!" and then walking away. OY VEY.) I tried to look past this mischief (after of course scolding him) and we went to the cafe at LT for a snack. Everyday John tries to grab a bag of chips and make a run for it. We have never stopped in there to eat, ever. But, I thought it would be fun since it was just John and I. John snacked on his sun chips and water while I brushed crumbs into a pile -- damage control.)
When I picked up SJ that afternoon I asked how everything went, and I was told, he had a major blowout!
Oh Stephen! That just simply isn't polite, you will not get asked on lunch dates if you poop on them!! haha Thanks Auntie Alana and Nana Jana for taking Stephen on his first college visit!!
Minnesota Zoo
On Wednesday, after John's speech session we went to Nana Jana's and picked her up for an afternoon at the zoo!
It was beautiful outside (high of 50 degrees!) and lots of sun!! We packed lunches of peanut butter sandwiches, avocados, raspberries, bananas and goldfish. We had a little hiccup with our parking. I had a *bright* idea to go to the back lot to park so we could get a closer spot. We had the double stroller out and set up and John out of the car when a man who works for the MN Zoo told us that the back entrance was closed! UGH. Ok, back to the front lot- on to see the animals! :D
John riding in the stroller was short lived. He wants to be independent! Sigh
We enjoyed the bears, fish, boars, camels, and ground hogs.
I would have to say, his favorite animal was the sea otter. He laughed and laughed as him and Nana stood at the glass watching Mr. Sea Otter swim back an forth entertaining everyone. It was nice to be able to stop at the otters- usually I pass them because it is a hot spot. In the past, there are always tons of people watching them, but today there was only a few high school students.
We go the camels and decided John was getting hungry and tired so we turned around. We stopped at a bench and had our brown bag lunches. De-lish! John was in fact hungry! He chowed down.
With the heat wave that we were having, there were puddles everywhere. John jumped in the puddles and had to feel the water (with his mittens on!)
A great afternoon was had by all! It was great to have Nana there because then John could run around and burn off some steam. Stephen slept the entire time all snuggled up in the stroller with a blanket Great Grandma Jackie gave the boys.
(That day, John didn't get a nap. At night, he slept from 7:30pm - 9AM!!!! This is amazing!)
It was beautiful outside (high of 50 degrees!) and lots of sun!! We packed lunches of peanut butter sandwiches, avocados, raspberries, bananas and goldfish. We had a little hiccup with our parking. I had a *bright* idea to go to the back lot to park so we could get a closer spot. We had the double stroller out and set up and John out of the car when a man who works for the MN Zoo told us that the back entrance was closed! UGH. Ok, back to the front lot- on to see the animals! :D
John riding in the stroller was short lived. He wants to be independent! Sigh
We enjoyed the bears, fish, boars, camels, and ground hogs.
I would have to say, his favorite animal was the sea otter. He laughed and laughed as him and Nana stood at the glass watching Mr. Sea Otter swim back an forth entertaining everyone. It was nice to be able to stop at the otters- usually I pass them because it is a hot spot. In the past, there are always tons of people watching them, but today there was only a few high school students.
We go the camels and decided John was getting hungry and tired so we turned around. We stopped at a bench and had our brown bag lunches. De-lish! John was in fact hungry! He chowed down.
With the heat wave that we were having, there were puddles everywhere. John jumped in the puddles and had to feel the water (with his mittens on!)
A great afternoon was had by all! It was great to have Nana there because then John could run around and burn off some steam. Stephen slept the entire time all snuggled up in the stroller with a blanket Great Grandma Jackie gave the boys.
(That day, John didn't get a nap. At night, he slept from 7:30pm - 9AM!!!! This is amazing!)
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