Sunday, October 21, 2012

What's his name??

This happened over the summer... in July 2012  This is not a story of my kids are perfect .. it is supposed to be funny and show that my kids can listen to me! ;D HA

John had a morning of appointments... my mommy guilt was in full swing.  I hated taking him to appointments, even though he thought they were fun most of the time.  I promised John a special lunch date of pizza if he was good at the appointments.  He was so I took the boys to Carbones by our house -- they have a lunch buffet, so no waiting!
I gave the boys a pep-talk about listening, being quiet, sitting down, no crying... you know all those things that could happen when you have 2 & 3 year old boys alone out for pizza! :)

Well, the boys were on their best behavior.  I was impressed- it was so good, that I had never seen them like this...  they used their manners, talked with "inside" voices, sat and waited while I got their pizza... and, we didn't even have any spills!  As we were finishing eating, I was just about to thank them for their awesome behavior...even with 2 other tables with families with small children who were having a (in my book...) normal chaotic loud lunches.... When a grandma from one of the loud tables came over to our table- walker and all.

"Mom, are these your boys??"  She started out...
I knew they had been so good at our lunch, and that her grandchildren (or whoever the kids she was dining with...) were normal loud kids during their lunch.  So I respond, "Yes! These boys are mine!"

She got down to John's level and said "You are so cute!  Look at your eyes - they are stunning!  I have been watching you while you and your brother ate today.  You have been a good little boy, and you must be the one who taught your little brother how to be good at a restaurant too!"  John was smiling ear to ear....
Then she said, "My grandchildren have not been good listeners like you two have.  (As I looked over at their table, there was pizza, pop, napkins and kids everywhere... pretty typical? I think so...)  I want to give you money so that your mom can buy you a treat for your good behavior-- here is $2 for ice cream.  Good behavior should always be rewarded!"
(**This is something that never happens... never.  Ryan and I never take the boys out to eat because it turns into a 3 ring circus, almost immediately.  I was taking a huge risk- one I had never taken before by taking them to lunch alone, especially after they had both been in a doctors office for about 4 hours that morning.)
I thanked her and the boys both thanked her.  Then she was about to go back to her table when she said, "one more thing, What is your name, little boy??"
John proudly said, "John Roman!"  (it sounded more like "Gone Roman" So I repeated it for the lady.)
She looked up at me and was almost yelling happily at this point " WOW!!  What a beautiful name!! One you don't hear anymore!  Now all you hear are crazy names --right mom?"  I agreed and then nervously anticipated the next question she was going to ask as she looked at Stephen...
"And what is your name, little brother?!"
John said, "That's BEEF!!!"
I almost died-- I wanted to laugh, cry and laugh some more.
She looked up at me, puzzled and said, "Beef? Did he say you named your son Beef?!"
I quickly reassured her what she heard was, Stephen Joseph.

She knew she didn't hear that and so did I, but she was glad he had a good "old fashion" name... and especially not Beef!

Everyone gets to name their children what they want-- and we chose "older" names from our grandparents and fathers.  I would say they are not popular names among our generation...but we love them and we no longer call Stephen, Beef.

*Where did Beef come from??
When Stephen was a baby, he was quite "beefy"  He loved to nurse and you could tell :)  He was a happy healthy little chunker!
John was saying very few words when Stephen was a baby-- and the though of him saying Stephen would have been a huge stretch.
One afternoon, I was singing to Stephen "Beefy beefy baby! You are mom's beefy beefy baby!"  Out of nowhere, John said "Beef!!"  It stuck--- a word John could say?  We rolled with it! and, it was pretty cute at the time too! :)

Beef is now retired~  :)

Angel Shoes

This happened awhile back... but I want to be sure and remember this as John grows up.... :)

Back in July, I was driving the boys home from my parents house - as we got off of 494S at the Valley Creek exit, we waited at the stop light.  I thought both boys were sleeping so I was quiet and going through my "to-do" list that I needed to get to while they were napping.
Suddenly, John hollered, "MOM! LOOK!! That's where angels get their shoes!"
Confused and a little upset he yelled so loud, (possibly waking SJ) I said, "Angels?  What do you mean John?" As I was searching around for what he could possibly mean.
He was pointing to the GOOD YEAR store sign.  Click here for a look at the GoodYear sign
Amazed and silenced by the sweet  comment... All I could do was smile.

Yes little John, You are right.... that is where angels buy their shoes.  :)