Friday, March 23rd. Closing scheduled for 12 noon. Both trucks packed.
Before we went to the closing, we drove one of the trucks to the house, dropped it off and drove back to Jana and Steve's to pick up the other one and drive that one to the closing. That way, after we closed we could go right over to the new house!! :D |
I followed behind Ryan as he drove the trucks, just to make sure he got everywhere safely. :)
As we were on our way to the closing, our agent called and said there was a problem with the seller's side and they had just emailed her and told her that they wouldn't be able to close until April 6! Oh Boy!! She said, not to worry (too much) and that she was doing everything she could to make sure the closing went through. So, we ending up having time to drive both trucks out to Woodbury, stop and get the boys lunch to eat during the closing and luckily, Sue called us back and said, "Get over here! I have the paperwork, let's get this signed before they changed their minds!" She was kidding of course, but we for sure hustled over there!
Ryan, the one man moving service! He rocks at moving.
So excited to be at our new house!!!! |
I really wish I had gotten a picture of us at closing, but I didn't. :( I twas very uneventful. Our Agent had everything ready and waiting for us. She played with John and Stephen while Ryan and I excitedly signed pages and pages of documents. We finished up and pretty much ran out the doors! HAHA
When we got to the house it was a crazy day! The sellers were going to replace a window and do some other repair work to some of the other windows- so there was a window man here and a repair man here when we drove up. Then ten minutes later, our "locksmith" pulled up to re-key our house. (That is a whole separate blog for that mess.... stay tuned!)
We had 3 workers here, the kids, and a huge house that needed a ton of stuff moved into it! :) Ryan unloaded the trucks for the most part - I'm telling you, he is a one man moving
crew! I watched the boys, tried to get some cleaning done, assessed the childproofing that needed to be done, dealt with the guys working on our house, etc. We realized at about 4pm that we had
no water. The city had shut it off since the house was vacant so long. No water does not go well with cleaning, kids and moving. I tried calling everyone and anyone that I thought could help, no takers! Then, Ryan made one simple 2 minute call and he had a man from the city over at our house in 20 minutes! We had water then, but still no hot water and only one of out toilets worked. That's when we started to realize we had a plumbing mess on our hands.
John was on his VERY best behavior while we were moving!! He was just as or maybe even a little smidgen more excited to move then us! He set up a station so play at. He did stickers, crayons and opened what ever he could get his hands on to play with. |
This is where SJ played most of the time.
Right on the garage floor- he found a bunch of old toys we had packed away. |
The boys had a lot of fun playing in the truck. Yes, I know- dangerous! But, it was the safest place for them to be... And, don't you like the cushion at the bottom of the ramp? haha
Here is Ryan Turtling the King size mattress into the house.
Why I wasn't helping? Every time I would help, the boys would both run in different directions. They are fast and then we would be chasing them and getting no moving done. As long as I was "watching" the kids, they were both really good. : / |
The window men finished up pretty quickly however, the "locksmith" was at our house until after 6pm... I paid him and then took the boys to get dinner. We went to Chipolte and got food for them and lots of food for Ryan! :) My parents met us at the house after they got off work. Yay! Help!! They helped get things put into places, start cleaning out the kitchen and got our beds set up. While my parents and I did that, Ryan met his buddy, Luke at his parents house to get the last load. There were a few things he needed help moving- dressers, elliptical and some odds and ends. They got back here late, maybe around 9ish. (Poor Luke had just helped his sister move the 2 days before and then came to help us move... or, should I say poor Kristin?! She was home alone 3 nights in a row with the kids! Thanks to you both!!!)
Around 10pm, we were all filthy, tired and the house was no where near "safe" for then kids, we had no hot water for them to take a bath, no appliances to make food on/store in and they were tired! My parents offered to take them to their house for a bath, food and to sleep there. Before my mom could finish her sentence, John was running to their car- At least he yelled, "Bye mom!!" as he ran? The boys slept over there with no problems. Ryan and I worked on stuff here until about 1am and then ran over to Lifetime for a hot shower.
Late night, but we got everything put away that and our cars in the garage! YAY!! |
We woke up sore, tired (it was maybe 5:30am) and hungry- but so excited to have a house! :) My mom was pretty sick, so we quickly dropped the Uhaul truck off on University and got the boys.
On Saturday, we mostly child proofed, we only got a little of the unpacking done....
Oh wait!! AND We got our appliances!!!!!
The Men from Sears got to our house at about 9am. I was so excited to see them pull up! :D
The boys ate doughnuts and oranges as I dealt with the appliances and while Ryan replaced some of the boards on the deck. That way the boys would then be able to play outside and it would be safe. |
Maybe the washer and the hood for over the stove? |
New Fridge! :D I <3 it! |
It was too big to fit through the doorways, so they had to take it apart! |
Back together and ready to go! |
Afternoon snacks on the deck! :) |
We returned the Penske truck at about 4pm on Saturday.
The boys napped in our truck while we drove the moving truck to Eagan to return it and then we went back to J&S's house to pack more stuff up and bring another load to the house. |
The plumber was at our house all day!! We needed a new kitchen faucet, the hose hook-ups to the exterior of the house needed work because when you turned on the water in the house, they would shoot water about 30 feet out of them! LOL, He ran gas lines for the stove and dryer, fixed 2 of the bathroom faucets on the second floor, and the master bath shower faucet. He started on the main floor bath, but we had gone waaayy over our plumbing budget, so he left at about 7:15pm ...7.5 hours later.... woof! |
We needed to get a new kitchen faucet, so I ran over to Home Depot for the 12th time that day and I looked at all of the demo models and I picked the only one that wasn't broken! HA It made for an easy choice!! Right away, I thought, Hmmm, how often do things at our house break? Often! So I picked the one that stood up to being a demo. ;D
The first load of wash finishing!!! <3 |
John helping!!! He had so much fun helping us put things away! :) |
More help from the self-proclaimed "Big-boy" |
While we were all working on un-packing, SJ was working on being a goof! He was so silly, mostly he was so excited to play in the empty boxes. |
Ryan was so good about letting the kids help with every project.
And, yes everything took 4 times as long... ;) |
Can we say 2 happy boys?!
They were fresh out of the tub, lotioned, and ready to jump in their beds on there first night at HOME! |
We had a bonfire Saturday and Sunday night! It was fun to burn the old deck boards. |
On Sunday, my mom came over in the late afternoon and helped us get the bedrooms all put together. She folded about 20 loads of laundry (not kidding!) and we got everything put away and my mom went home then to do her own laundry and ironing. :(
This was Ryan after our long weekend..... He was "watching" the boys while I ran to Target to get some groceries...
: / Poor guy, he was WIPED OUT! |
One last picture... this one is my favorite! It is John vaccuming out the cabintes in the kitchen on Friday night....