We had a blast!! On Friday afternoon, I tried super hard to get all of the cleaning done so that we could have the whole weekend to spend as a family. It was a success- Ryan came home to a sparkly clean house! :)
Friday evening we relaxed, read books and dad and the boys wrestled. On Saturday morning we had the fence company come out to finalize our new fence plans! We can't wait to have a privacy fence- it will be super nice for many reasons- privacy from our neighbors who are outside all day/night, it will keep John in the yard and it will make our yard look more "put together" or organized if you will. Around 9am we headed to an Egg Drop in Woodbury. It sounded like fun- a helicopter was going to drop 10,000 eggs onto a field for kids 12 and under to pick-up. As we approached the freeway exit it was mad chaos! We did a u-turn and headed home.
We did our family Easter on Saturday afternoon- dying eggs in the backyard ...
So much for the little wire egg spoon....hands were much better! ;D
So excited about the egg dying!! Too bad it was chilly and rainy on Saturday.
Very proud of his eggs- this is the finished product. 8 eggs
Even though John looks like he is in pain... he was just saying "CHEESE!" Stephen sat in the stroller for the egg coloring event- he just watched. :)
The little boys headed right to the tub and then to bed for naps. Ryan did yard work and I kept getting things done around the house. And, most importantly the bunny came during naps!!! There were plastic eggs hidden in the hallway upstairs and leading down the steps. As John opened his bedroom door and saw all the eggs, he looked at Ryan and I and said, "OH NO!! MESS!! NO NO NO!" (I guess he is listening when I say things are a mess....)
We carried SJ down the steps and look what the bunny left the boys...
SJ thought the pin-wheel was very cool. :)
John and his goods!
The kids were not so sure about the chocolate bunnies.... neither was I! They looked at them, took a bite each and then went on playing. I sure dodged that bullet....
John and Daddy playing T-Ball! He caught on fast- it was a great toy!
They both loved the bubbles!
John opening the PBC eggs, lining them up... and then forgetting about them! hah I was surprised at how uninterested they were in the candy- :)
SOME of the many eggs John found! He really liked collecting them, but wished they were filled. He opened each one and looked at Ryan and I sad that they were empty. Oh the expectations of a 2 year old.....
SJ enjoying his football egg! A very happy baby!
Our Sunday was super busy!! We woke up bright and early (as per our usual) bathed everyone and I baked caramel rolls. We headed to my parents at 9:30a with our rolls and Easter card John made for G & P. Brunch was egg bake, caramel rolls, fruit, ham, blueberry coffee cake ...
The kids looked for eggs (filled with gum balls and jaw breakers...haha... pre-filled eggs are not made for 2 year olds!) and played with their Easter baskets goods- squirt guns and chalk while we got all the food ready.
GRRRRR! The eggs were shaped like little animals- soo much for just solid colored eggs! haha. They were really cute!
SJ and his egg
Can you tell he has an ear infection?? Poor boy- he was a trooper though!
Ed's beard was... interesting! :) SJ was intrigued!
Then, it was time to eat- John was sitting at the head of the table, like the king... as always! ;D
SJ got to sit next to the head of the table, in his highchair! :D This was his first time having eggs! He loved them! Eggs, ham and cantaloupe.
The boys played outside after breakfast while I got to drink coffee and chat with the adults. :)
SJ and grandma enjoying the sunshine before the Patrick's headed home for naps! :)
We went home, napped the boys and Ryan and I re-packed the diaper bag. Then Ryan had some homework to do, so he spent an hour reading his case studies.
Around 1 we headed to Great grandma and Papa's condo for the Brown side Easter! It was so fun to see them!! It had been way too long-- our sick winter kept us from many family gatherings. The older girl cousins played with JR and SJ while I got to chat with the aunts about music, technology and being a mom! :) Great conversion! Then, Ryan took John outside with Papa and looked at his garden. John loved running around outside and spending time with Papa. SJ and I stayed inside to talk (surprised? haha - I know what you are thinking- Caroline, talking?! no way! hah) and SJ enjoyed a sample of most of the desserts. :)
John and great grandma and papa's, sitting on this little chair with a teddy on it. He thought it was so silly! He had the girls (Jackie, Alana and Tera) wrapped around his little finger! He was un-wrapping all the candy he could find, sampling it and then going for the next piece. :)
Then we got the boys snuggled in their car seats so they could nap and hopped on 169S to head to Jordan. (By the time I go to Jordan, I was pictured-out ... I only took a couple at the Brown's and none in Jordan! Oops) We ate dinner in Jordan, and then there was a table FULL of desserts. It was a bit ridiculous... but very tasty! I has a piece of cheesecake that I shared with JR and SJ. We played outside and hung out. John went on rides up to the cemetery with my parents until the golf cart got a flat! haha So, uncle Mark and Tom came to help. John walked ran thought the cemetery while we were waiting for the rescue crew. :) He was going from grave to grave kissing them. (not sure what he meant by it... considering he doesn't understand the concept of graves... but it was still cute!)
Then he played in the little playhouse and enjoyed an ice cream sandwich with uncle Dan and aunt Terri. SJ enjoyed playing with cousin Rachel and uncle Dave. Rachel is pregnant, and having a girl!!! The Kreuser's have 3 baby boys, so it is due time for a little girl! :) Jack, John and Stephen we DO love having you too! ;D
Around 8:30 we put the boys in their jammies (we actually changed them in the bed of the truck-- very country like! lol) and headed home after a loong day- John was awake the whole way home, and SJ was sleeping before we pulled out of the drive way. We unloaded the truck and I put the boys to bed while Ryan did homework.
WOW- I had to do this post 4 times!!! Each time, it kept getting deleted! UGH. So, I shortened it each time I had to re-type it.... and it is still super long. haha