It was a cold, windy, rainy morning. Ryan went to work extra early because he was leaving early for the game. I was home wondering if the game would still go on with the yucky weather conditions. I called Ryan to ask what he thought, your kidding right? Caroline, it's Minnesota! Dress warm! hahaha Not 2 minutes later, Alana texted me asking if the game would still be on with the weather-- I was glad I wasn't the only one thinking about how frozen and wet I would be in a matter of hours! :)
My mom came over to watch the boys and Ryan and I headed to Target Field! YAHOO! Steve and Jana treated us to the seats and my parents treated us to the parking and food. It was prefect! All we got had to do was enjoy our day together. :) Thanks to both sets of moms and dads.
We parked forever away because we are the worst at navigating through Minneapolis especially through traffic ... As we were walking to TF, a girl in a big tan truck hollered at us. I was a bit confused... then I realized it was ALANA!! haha she was still looking for parking--
Ryan and I got lunch, a steak sandwich and a cheese burger. Ryan ate most of both of them- they were huge! I was just trying to watch for the ball I was planning to catch, since I didn't catch the one thrown to me at the last game...!! ;D Alana and her friend got to our seats about 1/2 way through the 3rd inning.... parking was terrible! We had a great time!!! Lots of laughing for us sisters to do. :D The boys in front of us caught ALL the balls, and they were not willing to share- I even asked. lol
Ohhh, AND the weather got soo much better! There were even peaks of sunshine! :) I still needed my jacket and blanket for the wind and random rain drops. I also won't get into who won or lost... it was pretty bad.... but we didn't let that wreck our prefect day out! :)

Karl is cheering on the twins (against the sox) at Fenway tonight!!! His first time at Fenway and he's all decked out in his Twins gear. :) It is also cold and rainy here, but the Twins are doing well!
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