BUT, my mom brought over this little dog tattoo that looks just like my childhood dog, Albert. She put the tattoo on his forearm and two weeks later, it is still there! Now, any of you who know me or John know he has at least one bath per day, some days 2 or 3 or more. But this tattoo won't come off. (I know the baby oil trick, but I haven't really tried to actually get it off- I just thought it would naturally rub off by now.)
Today, while I was feeding Stephen lunch and John was eating his, I asked John, Who loves you? He responded, Momma! I asked him again and he said Daddy! Again, Baby! Again, Bompa! (Grandpa Steve) Again, MOMMAAA! Again, DADDDYYY!!! He was done answering who loved him, so I went to the next question, Who do you love? WOOF! (and he brought his arm to his face, kissed the little puppy on his arm and then smiled at him.)
Again, if you know me well, I am not a fan of temporary tattoos on children! But, in this moment today, I opened up a little more to letting my kids wear them. It was so sweet. (And, yes I am over the fact that he didn't say he loved me when I asked him...) :D
John, you are a sweet little boy! And, we love you!!!!

This is the only picture of Albert I have on my computer. This is the day before our wedding at my parents house posing with Dad's prize Oak tree. <3
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