Friday, June 10, 2011

Memorial Weekend = PURE Family Time!

We had a jammed packed weekend of family fun!!  Friday afternoon we loaded up the boys and headed to Danbury, WI to spend the weekend with Jana and Steve at the cabin.  The drive up was nice, not much traffic and lots of kids songs .... sang by yours truly... Ryan and I! Haha! ;)
We played outside, dug in the sand, explored outside and inside.  We had John's favorite for dinner, (all beef) brats, pasta, steamed broccoli and watermelon.  SJ chowed down!  He loved his cabin dinner in the wooden high chair.  JR did pretty good at dinner- he sure loved the Alfredo pasta, I think he had 4 servings?!  We played outside some more and then Ryan and I gave the boys a bath.  We read some stories and then the challenge set in......  getting John to sleep.  First Ryan tried to lay with him in his bed while I nursed SJ to sleep.  He was quickly down for the count!! :)  John was all about the word, "Morning!!"  Umm, no honey.... Nighttime!  SO, we drove John all around the back country roads.... for about an hour and a half.  He finally fell asleep!  Then, I carefully and quietly carried him from the truck to his bed, laid him down and didn't breathe as I tip-toed out of the room.  Yahoo! He wasn't moving!  It was time to enjoy a glass of wine with Jana and Steve.... Umm.... Nope! All the sudden, MORNING!! Morning Woof!!! (as he squatted down yelling in little Sabo's face...waking him up) Morning Nana!! Morning Bopa! Morning Mom! Morning Dad! Morning Beef?!   John was up running around! Haha  We thought it was pretty cute and funny too.  He seemed more awake then ever, that 5 minute power nap did him wonders! However, Ryan, being the rational and realistic dad he is decided this wasn't going to work to stay at the cabin overnight.  I was pretty torn, I knew John wanted to stay so badly.  Jana and Steve both tried to get him to sleep, singing, books, rocking... nothing was working.  So, Ryan packed up the truck and we headed home.  SJ slept the whole way home, and JR fell asleep around Tobies... everyone transferred successfully from the truck into bed.... at 1am! Woof!
Saturday we we hung around at home, unpacked and then headed to the farm!  My cousin Luke was having his graduation open house.  We had some storms in the afternoon but it turned into a perfect evening!  It was so nice for John to have tons of room to run, sheep to see and trampolines to jump on!  SJ was just a little ham, enjoyed his dinner and wanted me to hold him- check!  
Sunday we took the kids to Jana and Steve's and then walked to a park near their house.  It was a pretty hot day!  They loved their time at the park, slides, swings, tag and falls! ;)  haha  We walked back to J&S's for a chicken dinner.
On Monday, we played at home.  We had Carlson's over for lunch of homemade grilled pizzas.  Yummy!  Then it was family nap time!  After we all had a nice long nap we played in the water table in the backyard and then headed to a park with the boys.  (Oh, but first we went to Best Buy to get a new camera disk... my last one got wrecked....hence the lack of pictures!)

Stevie Joe played with Ryan at the park- he crawled in the sand and grass, swung on the swing, went down the slides and played peek-a-boo with his daddy! <3

While I played with ran after John! :)  We swung! John was not able to get on the swing himself when we got to the park, but by the time we left he could do it alone!!! 

John loved the slides! There were 2 really high ones (enclosed and safe!) It was nice because the slides went slow... so JR could sit as he went down.  (Usually he will lay on his tummy and go feet first because he loses his balance going so fast) 

John climbing in the "Itsy Bitsy!  He named it all by himself- I was quite impressed!  This was not the safest thing to climb on at his age, but I was watching very close and saved a few slips. While he was climbing, he sang the whole time-- "Itsy Bitsy, Itsy Bitsy"

Water table fun in the backyard!

Love you John! XO

On Tuesday, Ryan decided to stay home one more day!  We were just having so much fun spending all of this time together we were not ready for it to end yet.  So, we packed the boys up and headed to the MN Zoo.  It was a BLAST! 

While John was walking on this ledge, he came across a snake! Yuck! Ryan and I are not snake people....

We saw tons of animals outside, had our picnic lunch we packed in the farm area, and played at the park in the Zoo.  I think John's favorite part was the cows. (ahhh, the way to his mommy's heart) He was so excited about them, fed them and pet their heads...right between their eyes. 

I love family time!  That weekend was the best ever!!!!!  I know none of us are looking forward to Ryan's classes starting again....