Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Lil' Bit Bigger!

John's "little" word explosion has gotten bigger!!!!!   This is THRILLING!!! :D

Ok, I must document all of his current words!
  1.  Mom (I have to put this first! ;D)
  2.  Dad
  3. Baby (& Beef.... Mom, I know you are dieing right now! But truth is truth- we will all laugh about this someday. Promise.)  :)
  4. Me
  5. Nana/Nanny
  6. Bompa (Grandpa Steve)
  7. Papa
  8. Waty (water)
  9. Ahhh (the refreshing sound... means he wants something to drink)
  10. Num-Num
  11. Wally (waffle)
  12. Bean
  13. More
  14. Peas (please)
  15. HI
  16. Bye-Bye
  17. Broke
  18. Work
  19. Money
  20. Book
  21. Rock
  22. Morning (MO-nin)
  23. Zipper (Zip-AH)
  24. Zoo
  25. Zap
  26. Turtle
  27. Moo
  28. Zebra
  29. Elmo
  30. Ernie
  31. Tootsie
  32. NO
  33. Yea
  34. Up
  35. Apple
  36. Ice
  37. Shoe  (Ok, this may be a stretch, but he TRIES to say this!)  :)
  38. Pee
  39. Poop (Yes, he is a 2 years old boy! What do you expect!)  haha
  40. Yuck
  41. Stair (staircase)
  42. Big-A  (Big)
  43. Woof
** He is really started to try saying many, many words!  He will repeat sounds we make.  The more we encourage him and get excited when he is trying to repeat a word- the more vocal he is!  I can see this taking off!
I will date this and add his words as he says them.  For now, these are the words he uses daily, and in conversation. 

Some of the words he is putting together... Just Today!!! EEEk! This is so exciting! (PROUD MOMENT)

  1. Hi/Bye Mom/Dad/Nanny/Beef
  2. Morning Baby/Beef
  3. More Waty/Waffle
  4. Money Book (When we ask him where his daddy is, he says VVVERRR (like a truck sound) then we ask where he went in the truck, he says, work.  Then we ask what does daddy do at work, money book)  I am impressed with this!
  5. More book

March 4th 2011

Today at speech, John said:
44. This
45. Ms. Molly
46. Doggie
47. Potty
48. Cookie
49. Go
50. Meow

** Sounds we are working on:
"NNN"  for example, on.   Ms. Molly tells him to make the "nose sound"
"PPPP"  for example, help. 
** Words we worked on today:

A really great day!!

(For future laughs.... I am sitting in the garage while both boys are in their car seats snoring away! haha  I'm sooo glad I get Internet out here!)

March 6th 2011

51. Happy
52. Wall