Friday, December 31, 2010

Patrick Family Christmas Dinner

After we finished Christmas morning at our house, we put the boys down for a nap (OK, we had a family nap! haha)
We headed over to Jana and Steve's around 2:30.  Ryan took about 4 loads of gifts, gear, food and children out to the truck.  ALL I was supposed to remember to bring when I came out was the diaper bag with clean clothes for the boys and diapers.  Well, I forgot it!! : /  Usually, it wouldn't be a  huge deal, but we wanted everyone to see how cute the boys were in their jammies, so we didn't change them!  We were going to right after getting to G&G Patrick's.  OOPS!
John was in full swing present mode!!  I hate to admit it, but he had the greedy-gimmies.  It is hard as a parent to watch your child 'want' gifts so badly-- because, that is not the point of Christmas.  On the flip side, he is not old enough to completely understand the religious aspect of it either... Anyways, needless to say, he opened each and every gift that was given or received that afternoon. 
Alana made Ryan and I a wedding scrapbook!  I started one when I was pregnant with John... well, it never got finished!  Thank you Alana for making us one- We love it!! :D

 Auntie Alana and Auntie Lauren with Stephen.... who smelt like baby barf.  Sorry, that was my fault!

Ryan and I got John a fishing pole for at the cabin!!  We didn't make it up there much last summer because John was at a busy age, I was pregnant/Stephen was born and Ryan was studying for his CPA exams...
BUT this summer, we ARE going to be there a lot! :D  Get ready Patrick's! haha
And, now John will be ready to catch his first fish- I can't wait! (oh, no am am craving summer sun, sand, sunscreen smell and lemonade- shoot!) ;D

Smiley SJ with Aunt Lauren and Nana in the background

Party!!  I just love this picture!!

Hmm... What is in here..... It's a gift... must be for me! (umm, nope!)
We were showered with gifts at the Patrick's-  I can't wait to cook with my new pots and pans and Ryan got running boards for his truck!  The boys got toys, tee shirts and books.  Thank you Lauren, Alana, Jana and Steve for all the gifts! 
After the present high, we had a yummy roast with homemade bread and a salad.  The boys were quickly melting but we tried to sneak in a game of Christmas trivia- Lauren did a great job! Gold star for you Lauren! :D

Until next Christmas!!  .....

Waking up Christmas Morning


We got home from mass and carried our sleeping red elfs up to their beds.  Then, the fun began!!
Ryan and I couldn't believe how much fun we would have setting up the house for Christmas morning.  We got out lights to put on our barren tree, brought the gifts downstairs and put them under the tree and then we got to set-up the *Santa-gifts.  We had an adult beverage, made Lego towers, stocked the play kitchen and reminisced about all of our favorite childhood Christmas memories.  Around 1am we realized that we could go on for hours about our past 25 Christmas' and our dreams for our future ones.  ...The boys would be up in a short 6 hours! :D

Our tree, all ready for morning. 2010
 Christmas Morning!!  
John woke up bright and early, (Stephen slept in- go figure!)  So, we had to let John downstairs... how can you keep an almost two year old from presents! :D
I videoed the whole thing... but I can't figure out how to get it on to this blog...hmm??

The first thing John ran to was the Kitchen!  ....And right for the Coke!
John, "AHhh!"  (Yep, he is my boy!) :D

Next, the french fries....
John, "Num, Nummy!"  (Yep, he is Ryan's boy too!!)

And finished it off with an ice cream cone! haha

John played with his kitchen for a bit and opened a couple books while we waited for Stephen to wake up.  John was a very calm patient gift opener at home.  BUT when we were at our other Christmas celebrations, he was frantic, couldn't rip fast enough and needed to open every gift! 

Look Stephen, this is a green gift which means it is for you... 
 I'll open it!! :D

And throw it around, just to be sure the football works! haha

Stephen is almost 7 months here-  watching open gifts.

John is almost 2 here and is wearing his Elmo slippers!

Yaay!  A smile caught on camera from John!!!!
These boys are taking a break from gift opening for breakfast.  Ryan requested french toast, and I had yet to make successful french toast.  I was a bit worried... but it was WONDERFUL! :D We had yummy french toast and bacon with OJ for Christmas morning. 

The boys CAUGHT holding hands!!!  John loves to hold hands... and so he snatched Stephen's for a quick hold.  Gotta love brothers!

* At our house, we are doing things a little different then most families do.  We are having the "big" (or main) gift be from Santa and then the little ones are from Ryan and I.  We do not wrap the gift from Santa either. 
The gifts from Ryan and I are books, puzzles... things of this nature.

Christmas Eve Mass

 After Christmas Eve at Patty and Dan's in Jordan, we went to church at St. Joseph's in West Paint Paul for their 10pm (midnight) mass.  The boys were very well behaved!  It was a beautiful mass. 
At one point when John was loosing it a bit, I took him into the small chapel where there was a Manger scene in front of the alter.  We walked VERY slowly up to the alter and John laid down on his belly to get a better look at what was happening in the stable.  He was awe struck- He just kept saying, "Oooohh" in amazement.  At one point, he reached out and held Joseph's hand that was stretched out. 
It was just a perfect moment; the smell of pine and poinsettias, white lights twinkling, and John laying respectfully at the feet of the manger scene.  This one of my favorite church memories I have-  Beautiful!

Kreuser Christmas

Christmas Eve

So much to write about and so many pictures... you have been warned! :D

Here is John with Great Grandma Kreuser.  John ate dinner with with her, however he quickly found the dessert table that were conveniently at his eye level!  He sampled....umm... everything!  John had fudge, turtles, peanut butter cups, Ritz PB chocolate covered yummy things, and the list goes on... Hey! it is only Christmas once a year! ;D
Stephen (7mo) and his cousin Jack (10 mo)
These two boys had a ball playing with their new toys! Thank you Connie for getting the boys new trucks!!

John in the basement. (AKA Man Cave)
John spent the rest of the night being chased (and loving every minute of it) by my cousins; Lauren, Grace, Hailey and Katie! Thanks girls!  They sang Christmas carols and took endless pictures of him.

Stephen needing a change of everything, clothes and diaper...
everyone loves a fresh baby! :D

Lisa and Rachel loving up Stephen!
Carefully opening ...
everything he could get his paws on!
Cousin Rachel with tired Stephen!  :D

And with Grandma Mitty!

Our little Elf, John!  Ryan and I are starting a tradition with our boys- Christmas PJs!  We found these at BabiesRUs and they were super cute on! Both boys got a pair to wear home from Jordan.  Gotta love the long-john hat!! <3 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lais Family Christmas

December 23rd at 6:30p
We had Christmas dinner at my parents on 12/23.  It worked out really well for most of us; the holidays are super busy!! We had steak, baby red potatoes, salad and bread rolls for dinner.  It was really yummy food and lovely company! :D 

 My mom is introducing John to "Woody" our life-size nutcracker.

Here are my parents, loving being Grandparents! :D

Ryan, Stephen, Sara, Papa Joe, Grandma Mitty, Kelli, Mark, Mike

After dinner, it was time for the gift opening! In John's mind; Let the Games Begin!!!

The Christmas tree, with LOTS of presents!  :D 
(Side note:  The tree was cut down at a farm in WI on December 6th.  We drove out there on a COLD Sunday to cut it down.  Sara has lots of pictures, I need to get them and then I will blog about all the fun we had!) :D

Stephen and John

About to start opening gifts

Grandma Mitty with her TWO new electric can openers! :D
My mom told Kelli and I throughout the year (repeatedly!!) that all she wanted was an electric can opener.  Well, we both got her one! Haha .... bring on the cans!!! She is ready!! Enjoy mom!
The boys!  John (clearly) melting! ;D

Quick! Smile- Patrick family group shot!
We were blessed with many gifts from my family....  Teeth whitener, (a special) pen and pencil for Ryan at work, Tomas trains, Thomas movies, a DQ whistle, Origins body lotion and bath soap, Aveda hand lotion, a ferret toy (??!!!... Kelli! haha)  ;D  Christmas books, "workout clothes" for John and (my favorite) night lights for the boy's room with their baby pictures on them.  
(here is the link to the night lights...

Thank you everyone!!  Love you Lais'! <3 
Ryan (L) and Jinette, we missed you at the party.... BUT thank you for the WAY COOL books you made for the boys!!!  John loves to read all about "his wedding" haha  ...if he only knew! ;D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy 25th Ryan!

While Ryan is laying with John, reading Go Dog Go, and singing Mary Had a Little Lamb before John falls asleep.... I thought I would quick blog! :D

 Ryan isn't a big cake fan, but he is a fruit pie fan!  While Stephen took his morning nap, John and I made this pie for Ryan- it is mixed berry...raspberry, blackberry and blueberry. The best worst part is, I was keeping the birthday boy in mind while adding the ingredients- -I only used 1/2 the called for amount of sugar.  Tonight when Ryan took his first bite, he looked up at me and said, "Wow! That's tart!!"  ...OK, I tried... Sorry Ryan! :/

After dinner, we played ball!  John loves having the ball thrown at him, and Stephen thinks it is hilarious!  He laughs SO hard every time the ball is thrown. 
John, I love your smile here!!

John and Daddy taking a break!

Family story; Moo, Baa, La La La

Ryan, I hope you had a great birthday!  I asked you about your favorite birthday so far, you said, "our engagement" 4 years ago today! Love it!!
Your day in a nut shell:
5am headed to the gym, worked- first day on the job at 3M, came home to lasagna and berry pie, then family time and to bed! <3  Life at the Patrick's... JOY

Monday, December 13, 2010


We went to Mendakota with Steve and Jana for Ryan's birthday brunch on Sunday morning.  It was pretty surreal driving there.  The only people on the roads in St. Paul were trucks.  It was kind of fun driving around. hehe
Anyways... back to the important stuff!
We had a yummy brunch and then Santa was at Mendakota!  And WOW he was quite the Santa!!!  A parent's dream come true!  He was talking to the kids about sharing with their little brothers and sisters, helping set the table, and asking why they didn't make their bed that morning.  The kids were just mesmerized! :)  When it was John and Stephen's turn, I was quite surprised by their reactions...
John sat just fine, not scared or overly excited to be on Santa's lap.   His focus was the treat bags for after your visit with Santa- filled with chocolate treats.  John did sit there and listen to him talking. 
BUT Stephen was just enthralled with him! :)  He was so excited about the whole thing.  Santa sang him Jingle Bells after JR had already left and was hoping to be elbow deep in chocolate.  There was no Stranger Danger for SJ.  It was so sweet!
I loved bringing the boys to see Santa- aaahh parenthood, nothing is better!

John eating his custard martini  ....the life he lives! :D

Stephen wishing he was eating a custard martini....

Santa!!  2010

This pretty much sums it up! Love my boys, both are very predictable! :D

Santa singing Jingle Bells to SJ

JR loving his snowman cookie after seeing Santa.  John you have such a sweet smile!! 
I love you, my almost 2 year old!!!!

ECFE, "Pigs in a Blanket" and Snow Storm of 2010

Here is our little student! John enjoys school so much!  He plays hard, works hard and takes looong naps on Tuesdays! haha
He is making "twinkling stars and a shinning moon" at school.  Ryan got to come with to school today- he was home for the week.  It was nice for him to get to participate in all the day-to-day activities.  We love having daddy home!!

A couple weeks ago, I called Ryan at work to "warn" him about what dinner was going to be that night.  I like to have John help with preparing food in the kitchen- he loves it and it keeps him busy.  When he helps, it is important to make kid-friendly things, too.  So, I thought it would be fun and easy to make "pigs-in-a-blanket" but I knew this wasn't a meat and potatoes kind of meal... so I thought I should give Ryan a heads up.  Well, I was shocked at his reaction- He was THRILLED when I told him.  I was so confused when I hung up the phone....
Well, he practly came running inside from the garage- when he looked in the oven and the Lais version of PIAB were baking, a gray cloud came storming into our kitchen.  haha  Little did I know the Patrick version of PIAB are much different! 
Lais version: hot dogs wrapped in a Pillsbury crescent rolls baked served with ketchup.
Partick version: Breakfast sausages rolled in pancakes and covered with warm syrup.
OKAY! I get it.... what a let down!
So, this week (while Ryan was home) I made him Patrick PIAB for breakfast to redeem myself.  haha :D
The boys loved them! And Stephen watched closely!

Snow Storm 2010 (18inches?)
On Friday night we did some Christmas shopping and on the way home stopped at the grocery store to grab some OJ and eggs for breakfast in the AM.  Holy cow!  It was crazy in there- everyone was rushing around like the sky was falling!  I couldn't believe it-- I got a couple groceries while the boys waited in the car...for 45 minutes!! 
Well, the weather guys were right- it sure snowed! Saturday was fun- Ryan and I took turns shoveling,we shoveled 3 times so it wouldn't be more then 6-8 inches at a time.  It worked really well for us.  I took John outside with me.... he hated it!  haha it was really windy and the snow was taller then him.  I tried to help him make a snow angel, but it just brought tears.  Too much of a good thing... = bad! :'(