Monday, January 23, 2012

Stephen, the escapee!

It's official! Stephen is officially climbing out of his pack'n'play.  I was hoping this day wasn't going to come until we were in our own house, but it did. 
We bought Stephen some new shoes last week, and he loves them- so much he wanted to even wear them to bed! I let him wear them over his footie pj's, fully intending to take them off once he had fallen asleep. Well, every time I took them off, he would wake up crying until I put them back on.  Since we live in close quarters here, I quickly put them back on for fear his crying would wake John and Ryan (well, Ryan was already up... but my point is that I needed to diffuse the situation immediately!) :)
The next morning, I was up doing some dishes, and Stephen was awake in his p'n'p just singing and talking to himself.  I was going to let him wake up a little and finish the dishes before I went in to get him ... that's when I realized his voice seemed to get quieter and then it was gone.  I thought, maybe he went back to sleep??  So I kept cleaning... then I could hear someone running around upstairs (keep in mind it was about 5:15am at this point) I though, that's weird, Steve is upstairs running around?? Hmm?  DUH! It hit me like a ton of bricks- It was Stephen!!!  I ran upstairs, he was running around looking for Ryan. AHH! I couldn't believe he has crawled out of his crib, climbed up the steps and was upstairs.  Now, every time he wakes up in the night he climbs out of his bed.  I have been sleeping with one eye open (and Ryan just hasn't been sleeping) because we have found him playing in the shower (with no water of course!) at 2am, cleaning up his train tracks at 4:15am, looking for juice (green machine) at 3am etc. 
I am stuck in a rock and a hard place- he is sleeping under the stairs in the "storage" closet (AKA, Alana and Lauren's fort/dress up closet) :) It is big, I can stand in it and walk around, so it was a perfect little room for SJ while we are staying here! :) But, now that he is climbing out, it is a bit dangerous- there is piping, studs, electrical boxes etc.  We have put big blankets around his bed so it will break his fall, IF he does fall...which he hasn't! (the pack'n'plays are so close to the ground, he can actually very easily get out, now that he figured out he CAN get out)  We tried to have the boys sleep together, but Stephen is just to young to understand that John is SLEEPING - don't wake him! Ha, SJ pokes his eyes, lays on him etc... it simply does not work to have a 36 month old and a 20 month old sleep together! LOL
Anyways, it is on to a big bed for him once we move into our new house! :)  When John (14months!) outgrew his crib because he was climbing out we traded my parents our full size bed for Ryan and Jinette to use when they stayed at my parents for 2 of their twin beds.  I think it will be time to pick up that other mattress soon! :)
I can't believe we are on the homestretch of no more cribs!!! I never thought this day would come.  And, I will miss it, but Stephen needs a big boy bed. :)