Saturday, December 17, 2011

Highs and Lows

Well, so far we have had a great trip.  It has been wonderful to be home and not rushing through stores, swiping plastic.  :)
I have a couple lows and a couple highs I would like to share....

1.  The second night we were here, I was making dinner.  Both of the boys were helping me in the kitchen.  We were having a hodge-podge meal of cheese tortillas, grilled green beans, and mango.  The boys were getting a bit goofy in between their "jobs" ... I started explaining that this isn't our house, it is Nana and Papa's and we need to be careful.  They weren't listening.... so I pulled out my big guns and said, if we break anything we all have to go home! That caught their attention very quickly.  And, just as I said it, I dropped the garlic press (which broke-- I will replace that!!) John picked it up and said, time to go home now?  AH! It was a good lesson for me too.... I need to be more careful too! :/

2.  Last night was a hot mess here.  I put Stephen down to bed at about 8pm (9pm MN time) he was super tired, and fell right asleep.  Then I read John books for hours.  He finally fell asleep around 10:30pm.  It was a great time snuggling with him and answering the why questions as we flipped the pages.  As soon as I laid him in his bed, I fell right into mine. :)
At about 11:30pm John woke up and was WIDE awake.  I laid with him, sang songs, read him books, tried the "cry it out" method... which backfired!  Then Stephen woke up at about 3:45am.  I was so tired at this point, and neither boy seemed to be.  By about 6:30am, I finally had everyone back to bed, and I was in mine...thinking about how this day was going to work. 
I rallied and made a pot of coffee, took a shower and put my game face on.  Well, that lasted all of 2 hours. I was exhausted and so were the boys!   At about 10am, I put SJ down for a nap- he fell right asleep. :)  Then I tried to get JR to sleep, he wasn't having it, at all.  So, I told him he could lay with me and watch a Mickey movie in my bed ....hoping he would fall asleep, not wake up SJ and I could "rest" .... I was closing my eyes, not sleeping, but resting.  Suddenly, John rolled over and noticed I was "sleeping" he kissed my nose and said, "Night night momma, dream of apples. Night night, nice mom."  And kissed my nose again.  He was so sweet.  :) 

65 degrees here today.... and not much sun.  We are going to pick up Ryan at the sirport soon- I can't wait!! :)))