On Friday night, we had some of my cousins and Sara over for a low-key pizza dinner. It was so much fun to catch up with Miranda, Tina, Rachel and Jake! All, while John, Stephen and Jack played toys.
Miranda had a lot of news to fill us in on regarding her and Javi's wedding!! EEEk! We are super excited for their wedding on August 19th- the colors sound amazing! You will be a beautiful bride Miranda.
Jake and Rach were sweet as ever, Rachel brought a yummy Snicker Bar pie to share with everyone. It was neat to hear a little more about Jake's family business and life in Lonsdale! :) <3
We would love to do this again- you are all the ideal guests!! We had a blast hanging out with you!

John and Jack playing on the Trampoline
Saturday Night With the Travelers!
Jana and Steve just got home from Cabo on Friday night, welcome home! We had them over for dinner on Saturday. It was great to hear about their trip with Lauren- deep sea fishing seemed like it was the hit!
Jana brought John a huge sucker, he was thrilled! :) We had pork tenderloin, cheesy mashed potatoes, carrots and crescent rolls. It was a great meal, SJ ate his heart out! After dinner, Jana and I bathed the boys and Ryan and Steve cleaned up dinner. John had a blast jumping on the bed after tub-time.
Once the boys were both fresh and smelt of baby lotion JR and Nana built with our big cardboard blocks as the men watched the HS Hockey Tournament. All of the sudden, JR said "HOC-KEY!" I am so glad that the Patrick grandparents were here to hear him say hockey for the first time!
About a month ago, my mom called me and said that her and my dad want to watch the boys one evening a week so Ryan and I can have some "us" time. Wowo! I was thrilled when I got of the phone- dates, every week??!!! I'm there! However, the more the idea was talked about, the more it was not going to happen. My mom works (very) long days- she doesn't get home until 7pm (or later) - and we go to bed here by 8pm. That was just not going to work for either of our schedules... bummer! My mom pushed the subject again- (yay!) and we came up with a plan for Ryan and I to do Sunday morning dates. Much more our style!! Now, we have been going to church together (kid-free) and then to run errands.
This week we went to Assumption in downtown STP at 9:30. From there we made a return at Kohl's, stopped at the battery store for a new battery for my Polar watch, and then to Target to get the boys their Easter baskets! Ahhh, SO FUN. I picked out bubbles, pinwheels, sport shaped eggs, and matching trucks. Ryan picked out chocolate bunnies, jellybeans, chocolate eggs, a Nerds rope, and stickers! We love being parents to our little bunnies!! :D
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