Friday, December 31, 2010

Waking up Christmas Morning


We got home from mass and carried our sleeping red elfs up to their beds.  Then, the fun began!!
Ryan and I couldn't believe how much fun we would have setting up the house for Christmas morning.  We got out lights to put on our barren tree, brought the gifts downstairs and put them under the tree and then we got to set-up the *Santa-gifts.  We had an adult beverage, made Lego towers, stocked the play kitchen and reminisced about all of our favorite childhood Christmas memories.  Around 1am we realized that we could go on for hours about our past 25 Christmas' and our dreams for our future ones.  ...The boys would be up in a short 6 hours! :D

Our tree, all ready for morning. 2010
 Christmas Morning!!  
John woke up bright and early, (Stephen slept in- go figure!)  So, we had to let John downstairs... how can you keep an almost two year old from presents! :D
I videoed the whole thing... but I can't figure out how to get it on to this blog...hmm??

The first thing John ran to was the Kitchen!  ....And right for the Coke!
John, "AHhh!"  (Yep, he is my boy!) :D

Next, the french fries....
John, "Num, Nummy!"  (Yep, he is Ryan's boy too!!)

And finished it off with an ice cream cone! haha

John played with his kitchen for a bit and opened a couple books while we waited for Stephen to wake up.  John was a very calm patient gift opener at home.  BUT when we were at our other Christmas celebrations, he was frantic, couldn't rip fast enough and needed to open every gift! 

Look Stephen, this is a green gift which means it is for you... 
 I'll open it!! :D

And throw it around, just to be sure the football works! haha

Stephen is almost 7 months here-  watching open gifts.

John is almost 2 here and is wearing his Elmo slippers!

Yaay!  A smile caught on camera from John!!!!
These boys are taking a break from gift opening for breakfast.  Ryan requested french toast, and I had yet to make successful french toast.  I was a bit worried... but it was WONDERFUL! :D We had yummy french toast and bacon with OJ for Christmas morning. 

The boys CAUGHT holding hands!!!  John loves to hold hands... and so he snatched Stephen's for a quick hold.  Gotta love brothers!

* At our house, we are doing things a little different then most families do.  We are having the "big" (or main) gift be from Santa and then the little ones are from Ryan and I.  We do not wrap the gift from Santa either. 
The gifts from Ryan and I are books, puzzles... things of this nature.