Tuesday, March 20, 2012

VIP (very important preschooler)

This week John is the VIP!
He had to answer some questions about himself, bring in a picture of himself and a "show and share" item.

The Questions:
1. Who is in your family?
John: My mom, my dad, and my bro-der, Beef!  
Me: John, we can't call him Beef... what's his real name?  
John: OK. My bro-der Stevie!

2. What is your Favorite food?
John: Mangos! Like Papa!! Eggs, no yellow ball though. Chicky, balk-balk! Smashed potatoes! What's for dinner?!

3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
John: Be like daddy! Have big muscles (as he shows me his) just like daddy!  I will work at 3M with daddy!  I love my daddy!!

4. What is your favorite thing to do?
John: At school??  I like the muscle room!  
Me: What do you like to do at home? 
John: Make cookie bars with Nana!!  Eat them too! 

And the icing on the cake....
5. What is one thing you wish for?
John: TO DRIVE A MONSTER TRUCK!  and have lots of bro-ders and just oonnneeeee sister.  Just one! (as he shows me the number one with his finger)
Me: (I was competely surprised by this answer.... I didn't even know where to start...) John, do you know what a monster truck is? 
John: No, last week one of the kids said that and everyone clapped and cheered.  It sounds like a good thing.  
Me: (scratching my head...) Umm, ok John.  And what about all these brothers you want? And one sister? Why only one? 
John:  Mom, dad worked at 3M and bought YOU a house.  Your job is MOM. You need more kids for YOUR JOB!! 

I stopped asking questions... clearly John has it all figured out! OY!

He took his hockey stick Nana and Papa gave him for his birthday along with a hockey puck.  He was super excited to show the kids that he now "wishes" to play hockey! (Yes, I edited the answer I sent to school with him this morning!) LOL

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