Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today was a BIG day!

On this day in history, John started his school career!
He went to visit St. Ambrose 12 days ago and has been back a couple times to drop off forms, pick up paper work etc. and I have had to carry him out of the building each time kicking and crying because he wants to stay and play with his friends, play in the muscle room, sing songs, read books and paaainntt! He has been looking forward to school in the worst way! :) 
He woke up this morning running around the basement very excited, but as the morning went on, the excitement dwindled.  He eat his egg whites, banana and milk as he told me he wanted to stay home with his brother and papa.  : /  He got dressed in his Valentine's outfit of red unders, (haha) red socks, and a red "work shirt" then boys took a few laps of the main level here at home while I taped up John's family picture. (I got a little wallet sized picture of our family, covered it in packing tape (cheapo way to laminate) so he could have his family with him at all times during the day)  As I loaded John up in the car, he was OK going to school.  I fought back the tears the whole way to St. Ambrose- it seemed like such a long drive!!  John called Ryan so Ryan could wish him a great first day of school.  I was surprised at his response when Ryan asked him what he was going to do today, "Me play toys, play with me friends, eat food, sing songs, me read books, lots of things daddy!!!"   As we drove into the parking lot, I went down the mom list, (share, use your manners, remember to go to the bathroom, ask the teachers if you need help....) Then, I said, "John, today I have 2 things I want you to do- 1. Make ONE new friend today.  2. Play with 2 new toys." John was quick to tell me, "Mom! There are lots and lots and lots and lots of friends at school!! AND TOOO many toys! Me play ALL DAY!"  Wonderful- just what I needed to hear! :)
We got to school, and I couldn't wipe his giddy smile off his face! :)  We took a few pictures, and as I went to give him a hug and kiss good-bye, he said, "No time mom! Tooo many toys to play!"
I drove home happy.  I was so excited for him, there is so much to explore and play with, friends to make and relationships to grow, self help skills that will be tested (to the max!) and long naps on school days! :) I am feeling so confident in our decision to send him for the last half of the year. 
When I got home, Papa and Stephen were just coming inside from being outside with Sabo.  SJ and I went downstairs, I cleaned up a bit, did dishes, and made lunch- Stephen played the whole time.  I can't tell you how different it is to only have one kid at home! WOW. I got so much done, I had a lovely lunch with SJ and then we went to walk around the mall and get John new shoes.  It was wonderful to not have to lug a double stroller, gear and a kid under each arm.  (lol- but true!)
We met Ryan at John's school for pick-up.  Ryan was really bummed he couldn't come with for the drop off this morning, but he made it so he had his lunch break at 2 for John's pick-up.  John was so happy to see us! We both got running hugs, kisses, "Me missed you!!" AND a Valentines card from John.  It was great.  Everyone of us felt so happy.  :) 
We got in the car and John ate a half of an apple, a string cheese and passed out. 

John standing at the front welcome desk  (Noah's Ark)
February 14, 2012

Hanging up his bag... clearly we need to get him a backpack still....

John with his teachers-
Ms. Tina, John and Ms. Shannon
 These are the pick-up pictures:
John and his mommy holding the valentine he made for Ryan and I! <3
I just can't get enough of this kid! :)

John and his proud daddy-
It was really special that Ryan came to pick up John at school on his first day.
<3 You are a lucky boy John! <3

I think it is safe to say he liked having the picture of us with him!
He said he played with Stevie at school! :) CUTE.

And this my friends, is what John looked like about 1 minute into our drive home!!!
He was SUPER tired!