Thursday, January 12, 2012

Going to College?

Yesterday we were driving in the car to Southdale Mall in search of Stride Rite shoes.  John was watching for us to pass 3M so he could wave to Ryan.  We were not going to be passing 3M, which I was explaining to John-- but he was SURE that we would catch a wave from Ryan. 
Trying to (kind of) change the subject... I asked John where he wants to work when he gets big like daddy.  He immediately responded- 3M!!! I was kind of expecting an answer like this... So I went with it... :)
I started telling him how hard you need to work to get a job at 3M.  How you need to be a kind person to everyone, how you need to eat all your meals, play hard, and then go to pre-school, grade school, high school, AND college!  I was (clearly) trying to give him a bit much to think about so that we could get off topic of not seeing 3M on our way to Southdale.  His response was quick and just what every mom wants to hear (when their child is three) ... "No Collie (college) for me!" 
I asked why was would not be going to college? I said, Auntie Alana and Lauren go to college, Uncle Mark goes to college! Daddy went to college!  His response, "but mom, won't you miss me!  Nope, NO collie.  Me miss my mommy."
That may have worked yesterday in the car- it was very sweet! But, my hope for you and Stephen is that you both go to a great college! :)