Tuesday, December 6, 2011

From the mouth of John...

John has been saying some very funny things lately-

Last night Stephen didn't have a shirt on.  We were all playing Legos as a family when John noticed Stephen's nipple.  Ryan and I knew this wasn't going to be good.  He pointed to it saying, "boob!"  Ryan and I chuckled to ourselves a bit (with out John seeing) and then told him that wasn't polite, and not to say that word.  Then, our problem only got worse... because John's gears were already turning!  EEEEK, he looked at me, lifted his shirt and said, "You Thirsty??? NUM-NUM-NUM!"
Oy, no John. I am not.

A couple days ago, John was standing at the Kitchen table.  As he was holding on to the table with 2 hands, he lifted up one foot and crossed it over his other knee.  Then he looked up at me and said, "MOM! Me no need 2 feet!!!  Me need one foot!"  I thought it was pretty cute... him saying that as he was white knuckling the table to stay standing as he stood on his 1 "necessary" foot.

haha... The potty training continues.... seamless?  No, but we are working on it as a team.