Monday, December 13, 2010

ECFE, "Pigs in a Blanket" and Snow Storm of 2010

Here is our little student! John enjoys school so much!  He plays hard, works hard and takes looong naps on Tuesdays! haha
He is making "twinkling stars and a shinning moon" at school.  Ryan got to come with to school today- he was home for the week.  It was nice for him to get to participate in all the day-to-day activities.  We love having daddy home!!

A couple weeks ago, I called Ryan at work to "warn" him about what dinner was going to be that night.  I like to have John help with preparing food in the kitchen- he loves it and it keeps him busy.  When he helps, it is important to make kid-friendly things, too.  So, I thought it would be fun and easy to make "pigs-in-a-blanket" but I knew this wasn't a meat and potatoes kind of meal... so I thought I should give Ryan a heads up.  Well, I was shocked at his reaction- He was THRILLED when I told him.  I was so confused when I hung up the phone....
Well, he practly came running inside from the garage- when he looked in the oven and the Lais version of PIAB were baking, a gray cloud came storming into our kitchen.  haha  Little did I know the Patrick version of PIAB are much different! 
Lais version: hot dogs wrapped in a Pillsbury crescent rolls baked served with ketchup.
Partick version: Breakfast sausages rolled in pancakes and covered with warm syrup.
OKAY! I get it.... what a let down!
So, this week (while Ryan was home) I made him Patrick PIAB for breakfast to redeem myself.  haha :D
The boys loved them! And Stephen watched closely!

Snow Storm 2010 (18inches?)
On Friday night we did some Christmas shopping and on the way home stopped at the grocery store to grab some OJ and eggs for breakfast in the AM.  Holy cow!  It was crazy in there- everyone was rushing around like the sky was falling!  I couldn't believe it-- I got a couple groceries while the boys waited in the car...for 45 minutes!! 
Well, the weather guys were right- it sure snowed! Saturday was fun- Ryan and I took turns shoveling,we shoveled 3 times so it wouldn't be more then 6-8 inches at a time.  It worked really well for us.  I took John outside with me.... he hated it!  haha it was really windy and the snow was taller then him.  I tried to help him make a snow angel, but it just brought tears.  Too much of a good thing... = bad! :'(