Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coming home from AZ

This week I am working at Nativity.... Ok, so only 3 hours a day....  but! It has been hard with this going on at home-- (I very much cherish my time at home!!)

While we were in AZ, SJ seemed to be coming down with something.  He had a fever, was a little fussy and wasn't sleeping well.  I took him to the Dr. on Monday morning.  Yep! Double ear infection.  Stephen's first one-
The Dr. thought his lungs seemed "crackly" and he was maybe wheezing.  She did a Whooping cough test and told me to come back in 48 hours if he wasn't better.  We left with a Rx for Omnicef and I was pretty confident we were golden.
Well, I got home and started thinking about how long SJ has had a lingering cough, a low fever.... it has been over 3 weeks!!  EEk, I called the Dr and let her know this.  So, we went back today.
Well, 4 hours, a chest x-ray and lots of meds later.... my little boo is SICK.
He has whooping cough, pneumonia, a fever, double ear infection (which was looking much better today) and teething. 
Stephen is such a trooper!! He is now on Azithromycin and Albuterol (on top of the Omnicef).  :'(  Poor baby. 
SJ doing his Neb tonight before bed- BTW, how cool!? a Tootsie for the baby! Brilliant!!



LOL i laugh when you call it a tootsie!

Poor nugget piece!! Feel better soon


HAHA, I laugh that you call him a nugget piece! ;D Thanks, I think he is on the rebound.... fingers crossed! I'm so excited you have the blog up and running again! WOoHoo! :D

Christina Beach

Hope he is feeling better!! What a tough little guy. Your boys are sooo cute!:)


Thanks Chrissy! He is doing MUCH better!! How are your kids feeling?! I hope that the "little colds" have not morphed into whooping cough or pneumonia... yikes!