Thursday, July 21, 2011

BIG Week for Stevie Joe!!

For about the past month, Stephen has been standing, and "dancing" in place but, he wouldn't walk.  I was not pushing him to walk, at all.  John walked pretty early (10 months) and he looked like a drunken sailor for quite some time! ;)  We have not pushed Stephen like we kind of did to John.  This past weekend Ryan and I thought that Stevie Joe was ready ....  So, Ryan stood him up, and HE WALKED TO HIM!!  SJ took about 5 steps for his "first step"- pretty impressive! (7/17/11)  We were all on the porch, John was playing puzzles and books and Ryan and I were coaching SJ to walk.  It was very fun!

Stephen has also been saying a bunch of words! 
He said:
I want down. Hi John. Hi Daddy. Bye daddy.  I want milk. (I am totally drawing a blank on a few other phrases he has said... I will have to come back to this post and update it when I remember!) hahaha
When he wants to drink, or just drank, he makes the refreshing sound- just like John did.  It has been so sweet!

Stephen has been dancing, jumping and loving playing with toys!  We have this "beading" set. It is big jumbo wooden beads that are shaped like clothes and then you put them on the "clothes line" or string.  Stephen can do all 12 of the beads by herself.  I was very impressed the first time I watched him to it. 

Stephen is also quite the dainty eater.  Now, dainty is not to be confused with a small eater.  He has a big appetite! :)  He is such a sweet eater- he always needs his utensils.  He holds his fork/spoon and attempts to put the food on it and then when he doesn't get any food he uses his other hand to pick up a little piece of food to eat.  He doesn't throw food on the floor- no wasting for SJ! ;) He finishes his food at every meal, but he also takes the longest.  Healthy little boy!! XO