Friday, November 12, 2010

This week.....

We kept busy (again) this week.

On Monday night we went to Nana and Grandpa's house for dinner.  It was nice to eat there with Jeanne, Mark and Joey Lombardi.  It is always fun to catch up with them- especially on a school night!! :)

John had 2 ECFE classes!  He does one with mom on Tuesday mornings and one with dad on Wednesday nights.  I went with this week to the first Wednesday night class.  It was very fun to expose Ryan to a pre-school classroom!! haha  I think he was a bit overwhelmed.  BUT he rallied and was leading the circle time songs and parent discussion time!  I was glowing-proud of him!!  :)
My parents, Sara and Mike watched Stephen while we were gone.  Stephen loved all the one-on-one, or should I say, four-on-one attention he got!  It was the best to come home to a Johnson's lotion smelling little snugly boy.  Thanks Sara, Mike, Dad and Mom!

We continued our weekly routine of going to Nana's for lunch on Tuesday after ECFE- Pizza and grapes.  John loves exploring Nana and Grandpa's big backyard while I feed Stephen after ECFE and before we eat.  Tuesday's are the best- I get time one-on-one time with both of my boys!  Ahh bliss!

Both boys made fun glitter and finger paint pictures for their Auntie Lauren to hang in her Colorado dorm room! It was very fun for them to make her some pictures- I know they miss her dearly!  Along with Auntie Alana who is playing college hockey for St. Olaf, Uncle Mark who is studying abroad in Greece and Uncle Ryan and Auntie Jinette working in Sioux Falls!  We have so many of our close family so far away... We sure miss having them so close!! XO

John helped me make the laundry detergent I posted a recipe for earlier this week.  He laughed the whole time we were grating the bar of soap- it was silly to him.  He helped me stir the soap and bubbles as it cooked.  Little did he know that the stove wasn't on...  making the detergent took 3 times as long to make.  haha

We are getting ready for the season to change- kind of!  I am really not ready for the boots, hats, mittens, snow pants, jackets, and wet trails through my house from snow covered boots.  OK, I am really excited to get the boys playing outside!  I can't wait for their reactions to the cold, white snow.  I am just not ready for the extra laundry and wet, dirty floors.  

Popcorn and movie night for Ryan and I tonight.  Hanging Christmas lights and going to the Shout House for my birthday tomorrow.  A GrEaT WeEkEnD!! :D  We are loving life at the Patrick's!!!!!  <3

Do you really really think we will be getting 5+ inches of snow!?!?!?  I'm not so sure....



We have 6" of the white stuff on our backyard table--aaahhhggh!!! I was suppose to drive alone to St. Olaf today to watch Alana play hockey, but Ryan called and "forbid" me to go! What goes around comes around!